Page 12 - 2021.1221.The Passionate Plotter Guidebook Four.Marketing Matters_Neat
P. 12

Diana Kathryn Plopa

                       Ask someone to be a time-keeper, or set
               the stopwatch on your phone, and put it where
               you can see it easily so you can be sure you
               won’t run over the time allotted for your reading.
               Nothing irritates a librarian or shopkeeper more
               than running late!  If you have a time-keeper, set
               up a subtle signal so you know your time is soon
               running out.  Don’t allow the signal to draw
               attention away from your reading, though.  If
               your audience is distracted by a flailing friend,
               they’ll lose the imaginative momentum you’re
               trying to create.

                       Take along a pen that makes you happy.
               Choose one from which the ink doesn’t fade
               over time.  I love fine point Sharpies for this
               purpose.  They’re easy to write with, feel fluid in
               my hands, and the message I scribble will last
               forever.  When I
               published my first book, I
               bought a VERY fancy
               feather quill and an ink
               well because I thought,
               “Won’t this be a
               spectacular way to sign
               books… so memorable.”
               Well, the reality of it is I’m not Alexander
               Hamilton, and no one cares.  Although the quill IS
               very nifty, dipping a quill into ink and then writing
               in such a careful way so as to not spill the ink or
               schemer it on the page, is next to impossible.  So,
               maybe set up the quill and ink so it’s an
               attractive table display, if that’s important to
               you… but use a modern writing tool to sign.

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