Page 1 - Newsletter_Mar_2020
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President’s Message                  the  discretion  of  the  Head  Professional  or
                             Congratulations  on  the  recent       designate.
                          additions  to  the  Gorge  Vale  “25      Booking tee times up to two weeks in advance
                          Year”  club  –  Mike  Cerisano,  Jack   through our Buz Reservation System is  a privilege
                          MacDonald, Ken Southey and Jean       of  membership.  All  members  are  encouraged  to
                          Marie Southey. Thank you for your     exercise this privilege in order to get the tee times of
         commitment  to  Gorge  Vale  and  I  wish  you  many   their preference. This will be especially important as
         more years of golfing at our fine club.                we move into the active golf playing season.
             Your Board of Directors and their hard-working         Two additional proposed amendments to policy
         committees  have  been  busy  developing  initiatives   are:
         and     making    recommendations      for    Board       •  Changing  Policy  2.2.2  a)  to  include  RCMP
         consideration  regarding  changes  to  policy  and           officers with our current transitory group, the
         practice in  order to achieve the Club’s Long-Term           Canadian Armed Forces, in getting deferral of
         Plan to raise revenues over the next three years. In         initiation fees on a one-time basis.
         this  report  I  will  highlight  changes  to  policy  that   •  Changing Policy 5.3 to amend the guest rate,
         have  received  first  reading  by  the  Board  and  have    now  called  the  Restricted  Play  Rate,  for  all
         now been tabled for approval at the March meeting.           member  play  during  restricted  time  periods,
         You  can  get  details  of  these  proposed  policy          e.g. play before 12:00 Noon on Saturdays and
         changes  by  reading  the  minutes  of  the  Board  of       Sundays  for  Reduced,  Intermediate,  and
         Directors meeting accessed on Club Connect or on             before 2:00 PM for Twilight members, to be at
         the  Gorge  Vale  website.  To  request  more                90% of the established Guest of Member rate.
         information  or  to  provide  feedback,  please  direct    On  a  final  note,  Gorge  Vale  has  submitted  an
         your emails or letters to the GV Board of Directors.    application  regarding  the  Club’s  Liquor  Primary
             Research  has  shown  that  at  Gorge  Vale  a     Club Liquor License with current hours of sale from
         significant number of tee times are currently unused   11:00 AM – 1:00 AM to be changed to 9:00 AM –
         and proposed changes to several policies - 2.2.2 a)    12:00  Midnight.  Since  the  Township  of  Esquimalt
         and  3.9  will  address  this  and  help  to  increase   has opted out of the process of commenting on the
         revenues as well. In brief, the changes are:           application, the Club must notify the public of our
           •  Increasing the green fee rates as specified in the   intent to amend the hours of service. To this end the
              Finance Report, including providing a Twilight    Club  will  post  a  sign  on  the  property  for  all
              green fee rate.                                   members of the public to view. In the coming days
           •  Increasing access to the tee for green fee players   and then for a period of two months, you will see a
              by removing all playing restrictions Monday to    sign posted on the side of the cart shed to inform the
              Friday,  allowing  green  fee  play  after  12:00   public of our intent.
              Noon    on    Saturday    and   Sunday     and                                          Ruth Blasner
              implementing  Twilight  green  fee  play  at  2:00                                     Club President
              PM every day.
           •  Accepting  green  fee  bookings  up  to  6  days  in
              advance (after the draw has been completed) at
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