Page 5 - Newsletter_Mar_2020
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Junior Report House & Social Committee
I would like to welcome the Hello Fellow Golf Club Members,
following juniors who joined in Hope you all have had a chance to read the
February: Justin Coell and Isaak minutes of this months Board meeting. If so, you'll
Zeleke to Gorge Vale. In my notice that the Social Committee produced a
continued pursuit of growing our calendar of events for the year. Whilst these events
Junior Program in an organic approach I am are shown for planning purpose nothing is cast in
encouraging all members of our Club to get the stone, we have tried to cover a broad range of
word out about our exciting junior program. The entertainment activities. Your feedback is very
golf memberships at Gorge Vale introduce our important so let me know if these look like there are
juniors to the nine core values of the first tee; events that you will attend.
honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, respect, The first event will be on March 17 , St Patrick’s
confidence, responsibility, perseverance, courtesy, Day with a few Drink specials.
and judgment. March 27 we will be rolling out the New Menu
For Junior Program information such as special followed by a Music Bingo so get ready for some
clinics and lessons programs please contact me fun and a few prizes.
directly - Andy Reljic - Junior Program Coordinator The events on the social calendar are for your
and I will email you the information. For those entertainment so please review and if you would like
junior girls that are wishing to compete in fun to see any events not listed please advise me.
competitions click here for the 2020 Junior Girls Malcolm Barker
Zone 5 Fixture List. House & Social Chair
For Gorge Vale juniors that
want to participate in the 2020
Golf Canada championships
please see their online Welcome New Members!
championship schedule for details
on tournament specific Jackie Hellard Social Mar
information. Applications and Paul Blakeman Int Mar
field selection is based on a first come, first serve
basis as long as each applicant meets the eligibility Colt Borthwick Int Mar
requirements for the specific qualifier. Competition Michael Cridge Full Feb
requirements can be found at Golf Canada
Competitions Joey Kitzler Int Feb
What happens when you enable the success of
one person? Does it stay contained in that one Steve Champ Full Feb
individual? Success cannot stay still; it needs to Sam Holland Social Feb
ripple out from an individual to their family or even Ron McInnes Social Feb
an entire community. Our juniors are the future of
this club and I feel will become industrious students, Daniel Nelson Int Feb
productive young men and women and wonderful Matthew Northrup Int Feb
citizens of our community. A vibrant junior program
is the barometer of the health of any golf club. Justin Coell Junior Feb
Please remember it is really important for us to all Isaak Zeleke Junior Feb
do our part in increasing awareness by letting our
family, friends, and colleagues know that we have Luke Wiens Int Feb
an incredible junior program, excellent lesson
opportunities, fantastic practice facilities, and the
best golf course in the city
Andy Reljic (Tuba)
Junior Coordinator