Page 2 - Newsletter_Mar_2020
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Club Captain                                        Women’s Report
                              The  Super  Bowl  is  behind  us
                          and the Master’s is just around the                       The snow bells have come and
                          corner, therefore, the Spring Open                     gone, and the crocuses are out!
                          must  be  soon!    The  first  event  of                  Next  comes  the  daffodils  and
                          the  season  is  early  this  year,  5                 the tulips! But in the meantime, the
                          April, so don’t miss it.  Sign up is   worker  bees  are  working  hard  behind  the  scene  in
         available  online  now.    As  a  reminder,  the  Spring   preparation  for  the  2020  GV  Women  Golfing
         Open is an individual Stableford competition for the   Season!
         men  and  the  women  will  be  playing  a  scramble       I  can’t  wait  to  share  it
         format later in the day.                               all  with  you  during  our
             By now we are all pretty frustrated with the new   Spring  Launch  evening
         World  Handicap  System,  but  all  the  bugs  will  be   now  held  on  Thursday
         worked  out  soon  and  everything  will  be  back  to   April 09, 2020! Yes, we had
         normal.  We have sent all the required information     to  change  the  date!  Hope
         to Golf BC, so they will be able to produce the new    you can still make it!
         handicap sheets for the various tees in time for the       I  would  also  like  to  introduce  to  you  the
         active season.                                         organizing  committee  for  the  2020  Field  Day:
             Gorge  Vale  will  be  hosting  the  BC  Men’s  and   Connie  Dykstra,  Jill  Robertson  and  Heather
         Women’s  Mid-Am/Mid-Master  Championship,  26-         Campbell.  Stay  tuned!  More  to  come  in  the
         28  May  2020.    We  will  be  needing  volunteers  for   upcoming month on this year’s big event scheduled
         scoring,  Pace  of  Play  monitoring,  live  scoring,   for Sunday May 24, 2020.
         spotters  and  some  miscellaneous  tasks.    Volunteer    Plan  to  join  us  on  Sunday  April  05  with  tee
         lists  are  posted  in  the  respective  locker  rooms  and   times starting at noon for our Annual Women Spring
         online  soon.    I  understand  that  many  members    Open  4-person  Scramble  FUN  Tournament.  Did  I
         volunteer  for  the  Canadian  Tour  event  at  Uplands   say it was going to be FUN? Yes, a fun day to get
         being  held  the  following  week,  but  I’m  confident   back into the swing of things!
         that we can look after this Championship as well.  If      Tons of laughs and a few surprises! Registration
         you have any questions regarding the tournament or     will open the 1  week of March.
         volunteer  work,  please  see  me  or  Glenn  Bell,  our
         Tournament Chair, for the event.                       Happy golfing and stay healthy!
             As we get more into the golf season, remember
         to let me know about any great golf stories.  We had
         a  lot  last  year  and  it  always  adds  to  the  golf
         experience when you hear a good story.  I got three
         holes  in  one’s  last  year,  on  different  holes!    The
         challenge is on.
                                                Tim Howard
                                                Club Captain

                                                                Here are 2 YouTube Videos to get you ready for the
                                                                golfing season! Click on them and Enjoy!

                                                                    •  6 Simple exercises for golfers over 50
                                                                        •  3 Drills for a better backswing
                                                                                                      Sylvie Martel

                                                                                                  Women’s Captain
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