Page 4 - Newsletter_Mar_2020
P. 4

members to $3,000 and, gives our General Manager           Our expenses are slightly under - $664k versus
         the  authority  to  suspend  a  member’s  charging     $671k  –  which  is  primarily  due  to  the  Grounds
         privileges  when  that  limit  is  breached.    While  no   expenses.    We  did  have  an  unexpected  expense  in
         policy is perfect and able to prevent every situation,   the  Clubhouse  with  the  compressor  for  the  HVAC
         this new policy should give our staff more flexibility   system  packing  it  in  which  cost  over  $5k  but  that
         in  overseeing  member  balances  and,  the  ability  to   will happen from time to time.
         act expeditiously in response to a concern.                Bottom  line  is  that  we  have  a  year-to-date
             A quick look at the financial results for January   surplus  of $22k versus a budgeted deficit of $33k.
         shows  that  we  are  in  good  shape.    Revenues  on  a   While  I  am  quite  sanguine  that  these  results  will
         year-to-date  basis  are  $686k  versus  the  Budget  of   continue  through  the  year  I  want  to  emphasize  to
         $638k.  Member’s dues and fees are above budget –      members that these are operational results only and
         the membership roster shows that we are actually a     we  must  continue  to  enhance  our  revenues  and
         little above budget on members.                        rebuild our capital reserves to ensure the long-term
                                                                health  of  the  Club.    So  even  when  the  Club
                                                                generates  surpluses  our  intention  is  to  keep  the
                                                                “pedal to the metal” and build our financial strength
                                                                through revenue enhancements.
                                                                    Finally, Craig Vaughan has answered my call for
                                                                interested  members  to  join  the  Finance  Committee
                                                                but I would like to see additional members join the
                                                                Committee     especially   from    the    Women’s
                                                                                                   Bryan Thomson
                                                                                                Finance Committee

                                                                    Zone 5 Senior Men’s Interclub
                                                                    It is that time of the year when the frost is slowly
                                                                lifting, at least we hope so, and time to think about
                                                                summer  activities.  The  Interclub  matches  will  be
                                                                starting  soon  and  it  is  time  to  start  preparing  the
                                                                    Please email me at or by
                                                                phone/text at (250) 516-2005 if you are interested in
                                                                playing on an Interclub team. The schedule starts in
                                                                late  April  and  runs  through  until  early  July.  All
                                                                those signing up will be guaranteed one match and
                                                                some  may  get  additional  matches  depending  on
                                                                numbers of members signing up. I hope to have the
                                                                schedule in place by the end of March. Please advise
                                                                as to availability during the summer and dates that
                                                                you will not be available. All matches are played on
                                                                Monday  afternoons  immediately  after  lunch,  with
                                                                one  exception.  Posters  with  more  information  are
                                                                being circulated via the Club Connect as well as in
             Green fee play is down which is not surprising     the Clubhouse and Men’s Locker Room.
         given  that  the  course  was  closed  quite  a  bit  in                                    Chuck Salmon
         January  but  you  can  see  that  Food  &  Beverage  is
         right on budget.  It’s good to see even on bad days
         that the lounge is busy.
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