Page 10 - Diane Musgrove Issue
P. 10

Women of Distinction

                                                                   Sometimes when you      topics such as “poor little
                                                               are pursuing one dream, you   rich girls,” wives of famous
                                                               accidentally stumble upon   men, royal ladies, and the
                                                               another, and your entire    people behind the names
                                                               creative focus changes.     of iconic, world-renowned
                                                                   Author Marlene Wag-     brands.
                                                               man-Geller experienced this    “I've always been an
                                                               phenomenon firsthand back   avid, avid reader," she told
                                                               in 2008. After years of trying   me when I asked if she
                                                               unsuccessfully to break into   always wanted to be a writer.
                                                               publishing with historical,   "Going from reading a book
                                                               literary fiction, the author’s   to wanting your name on the
                                                               curiosity about the dedica-  spine is a logical jump."
                                                               tion page in one of the most   Once she understood
                                                               notorious books in American   she wanted to be an author,
                                                               literature inspired her to   she began to write in ear-
                                                               begin researching the stories   nest. But, despite submitting
                                                               behind famous dedications.   several literary historical nov-
                                                               She wrote a proposal, ac-   els while living in Toronto,
                                                               quired an agent and sold the   Wagman-Geller did not man-
                                                               book to Perigree, an imprint   age to find an editor to take
                                                               of Penguin.                 her on. "I tried and tried and
                                                                   The genre turned out    got rejection after rejection
                                                               to be the perfect fit. She’s
                                                                                           after rejection," she said.
           Photos courtesy of Marlene Wagman-Geller            for submission, and she’s   taught English and history
                                                               now published eleven books
                                                                                              In 1986, she and her
                                                                                           husband moved to San Di-
                                                               of historical nonfiction, a
                                                                                           ego, where Wagman-Geller
                                                               twelfth manuscript is ready
                                                               researching her thirteenth.
                                                                                           in National City. She was
                                                                                           also parenting the cou-
                                                                   One day in December,
                                                               I met the petite, blonde, bub-
                                                                                           ple's daughter. Those years
                                                                                           proved to be difficult, cre-
                                                               bly author at Anthony’s Fish
                                                               Grotto in La Mesa, a “ladies
                                                                                           atively, for the author. "Every
                                                               who lunch” kind of place
                                                                                           day, I'd switch from teacher
                                                                                           mode to parent mode. I
                                                               with a dreamy blue-green
                                                               interior, generous outdoor
                                                                                           years. I just couldn't."
                                                               patio seating, and an exten-
                                                                                              It would have been easy
                                                               sive seafood-based menu.
                                                                   We sat at a window      could not write for like 16
                                                                                           to give up, but she never
                                                               booth overlooking a tranquil   forgot her dream. One day,
                                                               pond where a family of      serendipity lent a hand.
                                                               ducks paddled and a foun-   "Someone told me that
                                                               tain sprayed in the center.   Gwenyth Paltrow was going
         Author Marlene                                        stop about our shared love   author said. "Before I see
                                                                                           to star in Peyton Place," the
                                                               Over lunch, we talked non-
                                                                                           a movie, I like to read the
                                                               of writing, books, and other
          Wagman-Geller                                        authors. We also discussed   book, so I bought Grace
                                                                                           Metalious's book."
                                                               the ups and downs of the
                                                                                              It wasn't the actual
                                                               writing life–publishing,
                                                               marketing, and the best way
                                                                                           man-Geller's interest, how-
                                                               to handle PR. Throughout    story that sparked Wag-
                      By Shelley Burbank                       the nearly two-hour con-    ever. Instead, as she flipped
                                                               versation, Wagman-Geller    through the front matter,
                                                               peppered the conversation   the dedication page caught
                                                               with anecdotes and stories   her attention: "To George—
                                                               gleaned from her years of   for all the reasons he knows
                                                               researching and writing on   so well."
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