Page 5 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
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acan in Mexico. She enjoys hikes and
riding her bike at the beach.
Carol Heath Shelley Burbank Marymichelle Lotano
Carol is a Certified Clinical Master/ Shelley Burbank is an eclectic writ- Ms. Marymichelle Lotano is a resident
Teacher; she is certified in a myriad of er of fiction and nonfiction. She has of San Marcos, CA. She is a mom to a Eva Redding
alternative modalities including Col- been published in the confession graduating Senior, which has been her
or and Sound therapy, Chakra ther- market and in little & literary maga- greatest joy. Marymichelle is an attor- Eva was born and raised in the Czech
apy, Reflexology, Cranial and Lomi zines, and she was a regular contrib- ney with the Law Office of Matthew Republic. She came to Southern Cal-
lomi massage and developed her own uting writer for a weekly newspaper Story representing our special needs ifornia as a student and later met her
hands on healing method. where she covered news, arts, and children's education rights. She is a husband. They have been happily
features. Learn more on her website runner and a photographer and she married for 25 years and live in San
Marcos. Even though English is her
at enjoys the beach.
second language, she has always been
drawn to exploring it through read-
ing and creative writing. Her favorite
is writing poetry, mysteries, and trav-
el articles.
Charles Illingworth
Charles frequently writes humorous
and heartwarming short stories, and is Debbie Storms
often quite full of himself. He seems to Debbie has enjoyed many careers from Maggie Ramos
take pride in embarrassing his kids and accountant to air traffic controller. She Maggie Ramos is a student at MiraCos-
grandchildren whenever he can. In ad- believes life is an adventure to be lived ta College and is artistically multi tal-
dition to writing numerous satirical ar- to its fullest. Growing up in New Jersey, ented. She is a great writer, painter and
ticles for a local newspaper, as well as she learned life skills to help her prac- a skilled photographer. 760-695-2525. Mamta Malhotra
authoring two very well written books, tice that credo. Her passion for trav- Mamta Malhotra is discovering her
so he says, his goal is to bring joy and el has taken her to many parts of the love for putting thoughts on paper.
contentment into his readers life. He world. She is now focusing on writing If you don’t see her walking the trails
writes under the byline C F Illingworth. about her travels and interviewing en- in Carlsbad, she’ll be home listening
tertainers, which is a great combo! to music, reading, doing yoga, inhal-
ing movies, all while drinking copi-
ous amounts of tea and texting with
Kristin Chemis
Kristin Chemis is a mother of three, a
Jaime V. Habert writer, and a photographer/videogra-
Jaime is the Managing Editor of San Isabella Steel pher. In addition to fiction she writes
technology articles for Infused In-
Diego Woman and a freelance writ- Isabella Steel author of five books and novations under the pen name K.K.
er out of Carlsbad, CA. She loves to more to come. She lives in San Diego Tucker. She's also the owner of Kristin
document topics of health and fitness, with her wife and dogs. An avid gar- Chemis Photography, which specializ- Jack Berkman
entrepreneurship, and body image. dener, she raises roses and koi in her es in family portraits as well as compa- Jack M. Berkman is the President and
Her dream is to have a not-for-profit backyard. CEO of Berkman Strategic Commu-
which empowers young girls to focus ny headshots and videos. nications, a nationally recognized and
on their goals in the business world. multi-award-winning PR/ Commu-
nications and Branding firm, He has
more than 42 years of experience in
the PR/Communications field.
Jess Petrencsik
Jess is a freelance writer and editor Maricela Contraras Magana
Dawn Nicoli who usually sticks to more journal- Maricela has worked in the admin-
For over 20 years Dawn has owned and istic writing, but recently branched istrative field for over 20 years. She
operated Nicoli Productions, an en- out into fiction. She is currently com- was born and raised in the close knit
vironmental portrait studio, run out pleting a memoir of her time in Zim- town of Fallbrook, Ca. After living in
of her two-acre property in Escondi- babwe as an English teacher with the Oceanside for 8 months, Maricela de- Stephanie Lee
do. Starting a new chapter of her life, U.S. Peace Corps in the late '90s. Jess cided to return to her hometown and Creator of The Lee Method, a safe and
when serenity has become so import- also enjoys spending time in the East- raise her children in Fallbrook. Mar- effective Pilates-based workout pro-
ant, Dawn spends her time in her pala- ern Sierras and taking her children icela is a School Secretary for the Fall- gram for women over 50. Stephanie
pa tree house with her dog, Karma. ex- on adventures in nature. She writes at brook Union School District. She has over 25 years experience teaching
ploring the world of writing. loves traveling to the state of Micho- group fitness.