Page 8 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 8
Women of Distinction
Shana Penny, CEO
By Jack Berkman
Photos Courtesy of Shana Penny
program, where our women our complete capacity of “Moreover, another reason
clients put into action, for at expanded understanding and why we are a women’s only pro-
least 90-days, principles they focused treatment procedures gram is because men are a huge
learn here to stay sober long and practices. Try managing distraction in treatment and
term”, said Shana Penny, CEO our client care and clinical it’s imperative to remove that
of Soledad House. treatment during the COVID distraction so a person can have
Penny is a 35-year-old pandemic? We did and a true chance at rehabilitation”,
CEO, with her MSA from managed without diminished said Penny.
For millions of women SDSU, whose extraordinary treatment and complete client Soledad House prides itself
nationally, it’s another ago- talent and seasoned leadership consideration, safety, and on providing an extraordinary
nizing year with major drug at Soledad House for the past protection. “high-touch” extended care envi-
and alcohol abuse, generating 10 years, has herself overcome “Soledad House was creat- ronment, designed with rigorous
absolute desolation on so many general issues with substance ed to provide ‘ALL WOMEN’ staff attention on rehabilitation
personal and professional lev- abuse, anxiety, depression, a safe and completely trusted of drug and alcohol addiction
els. Families, spouses, friends, relationship issue challenges, luxurious living environment, challenges, whose daily purposes
and employers are desperately as many other people have providing a ‘total community and responsibilities are 100 per-
trying to navigate through this experienced. She has been at for our clients to explore and cent dedicated to ALL clients.
frightening environment, with the helm of Soledad House, understand sober behaviors In fact, the Soledad House
very little real information or unswervingly expanding its 15- and lifestyles. Women develop philosophy states: Always assur-
supporting expertise, on how year operational and extended personal skills and confidence, ing client care is unconditionally
to even begin to manage these care program, consistently to open up and discuss their our #1 priority…all admin-
extraordinary conditions, and moving ahead of the curve, addiction challenges with oth- istered with a “full heart and
the consequences from its developing multiple treat- er like-minded clients (peers), dedication” towards a thorough
plethora of circumstances. ment tracks across expanding some heretofore, never reveal- and healthier rehabilitation… At
Soledad House is a programs while creating an ing their true story to anyone. Soledad House, no client is ever
“WOMEN ONLY”, nationally intimate “community setting” “A rehabilitation facility “left behind”!
recognized substance abuse for all clients. Since its incep- including men, was just not Penny persuasively shares
treatment program based tion, Soledad House has treated the proper environment for Soledad House to be “different
here in San Diego. They are more than 3,500 clients. clinical treatment, let alone the by design”.
dedicated to helping women “Ten years ago, women lifestyle and living atmosphere “Our professional staff
stay sober. They operate in the came to us principally with required to create a safe and employs a consistent process of
real world! alcohol problems. Today, we see trusting residential household integrated regular communica-
“We are their next step for- an abundance of psychological for our challenged and con- tions, allowing all members of
ward from a 30-day residential and social issues, all needing fused clients. the clinical and administrative