Page 11 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 11

Women of Distinction

        soldiers passed, he would take   students looking for a second   I would, so I packed up my   Not only was Megan
        care of dressing them, casket-  career and wanting to com-  clothes and returned home   thrown into a business she had
        ing them, and getting them   plete their Bachelor’s degree. I   without attending the master's   not expected to be part of, but
        home to their families. When   signed up and attended Regent   program.  When I arrived back   she had no idea what was to
        he came out of the service, he   University and completed my   in Escondido my dad was very   follow.  Megan took over in
        decided that he wanted to be in  degree in Business.”    sick.”                   2013 and things were going
        the funeral industry. He went   After graduation, Megan   Megan’s dad had a man-  well. “In 2016 I had just had
        to college and became a funer-  decided to stay there and study   ager running the mortuary   my son, he was three weeks
        al home owner.  “He actually   towards her master’s degree.  “I   for him, I was helping out   old, and a car came crashing
        owned multiple mortuaries                                                         through our building from
        over his lifetime. My father                                                      the alley.  Luckily no one was
        grew up as I did, wanting                                                         hurt in the accident.  There
        nothing to do with the family                                                     were no family, employees, or
        business.  What is funny is that                                                  loved ones in that area of the
        in his youth my dad wanted                                                        building when it happened.
        to be a mechanic. He would                                                        The man who was driving the
        work there to help out his dad,                                                   car had a seizure while driving,
        as I did, and he realized very                                                    but he also walked away from
        quickly that he wasn't going be                                                   the accident with no injuries.
        a very successful mechanic.”                                                         The accident caused over
           Megan’s grandfather                                                            a quarter-million dollars in
        wanted to be sure his son was                                                     damages. I was new to all of
        knowledgeable and profession-                                                     this, and I had no idea how to
        al, so he insisted that he would                                                  handle insurance and where
        have to go to college when he                                                     to even begin when it came
        graduated and made him work                                                       to rebuilding.  The accident
        with another funeral home for                                                     took out our entire prep room,
        some time before bringing him                                                     which is where we prepare
        into the business.  In the 1970s                                                  bodies for the services.  Re-
        her grandfather purchased the                                                     building our mortuary was a
        Poway Bernardo Mortuary and                                                       huge task.  What made things
        father, and son ran it together.                                                  even tougher was that at the
           Megan knew her future                                                          time the City of Escondido
        wasn’t in the funeral home   decided to obtain my master's   doing the back-end billing and   came to us and said, ‘I know
        business, so she went to college   in counseling.  With all I had   paperwork, but then his man-  this building is 125 years old,
        to pursue other interests. “I   been through as a foster child,   ager decided it was time for   but you need to bring it up to
        went to college to be a teacher   I knew I could help other   him to move on and he left to   code today for ADA and sprin-
        and I realized very quickly that   foster children.  I had also be-  return home to San Francisco.   klers, etc.  We basically had to
        I didn't want to be in a class-  come a CASA, Court Appoint-  “This was when my dad told   rebuild the entire place.”
        room all the time, it just was   ed Special Advocate for foster   me that I needed to take over   It took almost five years
        not my forte. I spent the next   children through Voices for   Alhiser-Comer. I was basically   for Megan to accomplish all
        10 years working for Gym-  Children.  So, I figured I would   thrown into the business feet   of this.  “ In order to meet the
        boree kids clothing store and   get my master’s and just see   first and knew I had to do this   requirements, we had to add
        became a store manager. I was   where it took me.”    for my dad, so I did.”      new bathrooms and bigger
        up for the position of district   Megan was getting ready   Since Megan had her   and wider doorways. When
        manager of San Diego County.    to start this program when she   bachelor’s degree she was eligi-  you have a building that was
        At that point, I was not loving   received a troubling phone   ble to get her funeral director’s   built in the 1800s, it is not an
        retail.  I am not a very sponta-  call from her dad.  His kidneys   license through the State of   easy feat. We worked really
        neous person, but on a whim,   were failing, and he wasn’t   California.  “I took the test   hard and, in the process, we
        I decided to pick up and leave   doing well. He asked Megan   and became a licensed funeral   tried to bring it up to today's
        San Diego.                 if she would move back home   director. At this point, most of   standards as well. We added a
           My aunt and uncle had   to help him.  “I function as the   the staff were ready to retire   reception hall, so people could
        some friends in Virginia   oldest in my family, and at this   because they had been with   have food, which we didn’t
        Beach, and they invited me   point, my parents had divorced   my dad for 20-25 years. They   have before.  We also updated
        with them to visit.  While there   and none of my siblings had   all stayed on for two years and   technology so we could play
        I looked into colleges and   remained in San Diego so,   helped me learn as much as I   family videos and have the
        found one that specialized in   my dad was alone. I told him   could. And here we are.”  capabilities of live streaming

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