Page 14 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 14
Women of Distinction
Photos courtesy of Dr. Jacqueline Kerr
Dr. Jacqueline Kerr changed. The demands of the job were still
the same.”
Her job was extremely demanding.
FIGHTING FOR CHANGE “Most people don’t realize how stressful the
job of a research professor can be. Often
By Judith A. Habert people think teaching is an easy job, but,
when you are a research professor, you are
bringing in your own salary. I had a group of
Dr. Jacqueline Kerr has a proud Scottish dad was an accountant and a financial ad- about 40 staff and students. I was responsi-
heritage as part of the Kerr Clan. A topic I visor for Unilever, which is an international ble for bringing in money for research and
found most interesting to learn about. They fast-moving consumer goods organization their salaries as well. I was bringing in $10
have their own unique tartan which has similar to Proctor and Gamble in the US. million grants to the university. There is
changed over the years, but the current one We lived in Australia, Sweden, Nigeria, and constant pressure to bring in more funding
is red, dark green, and black. Having little Indonesia. As an adult, I lived in France and to keep the group going. This along with
knowledge of Scottish history, okay, to be Germany. I came to the U.S. in 2004 for my teaching, doing my administrative tasks, my
honest, I have no knowledge. It was inter- postdoc because there was a professor in mentoring, and my work in the community.”
esting to begin this interview by learning the my field of study, in public health, who was Dr. Kerr’s research projects were based on
story of this amazing woman’s heritage. The one of the leading researchers in my specific building age-friendly cities. She also served
Kerr clan was known for being lefthanded. area of research. I was really excited to come on the California AARP livable community
This may seem like a strange fact to even to study under him.” Dr. Kerr’s plan changed committee. “I was really trying to give back
mention, but this may have been one of the when she met her husband, Burt, and she to the community since we were learning so
reasons that the Kerr Clan became known as ended up staying in the U.S. which hadn't much about them through our research.”
great warriors. The Kerrs built their castles been her intention. Dr. Kerr was living a life as a full-time
with the staircase going the opposite way Years passed and Dr. Kerr was married, working mom, professor, fundraiser, men-
so that when they were fighting, they had a had two young children, Callum and Cath- tor, wife, researcher, and community liai-
unique advantage. All members of the clan erine and she had acquired a position as son. When you break down how much was
were taught to fight lefthanded, regardless a professor at UCSD in the department of on her shoulders, it is easy to understand
of whether they started off as righthanded public health. “In 2018 I left my position at how stressful her life was at the time. “My
warriors. They became known as fearsome UCSD. At the time I didn't really understand daughter was five and my son, who was
swordsmen because most of the people that what was going on. All I knew was that I was nine, is high functioning on the autism
fought for them were ambidextrous. So, if extremely stressed. I experienced suicide spectrum and was struggling with the pub-
they were injured on their left side they could ideation and panic attacks. I took a three- lic school system, which was unable to meet
continue fighting with their right hand. month leave of absence and spent that time his needs. So, when I burned out and left
Dr. Kerr’s parents moved from Glasgow, in therapy my position at the university, I was able to
Scotland to London, England when they Because it's not self-care alone, sure give him the attention he required, and it
got married in the sixties. “I never actually that helps you manage the stress, For ex- allowed me to find him a more appropriate
ended up living in Scotland, but my dad’s ample, hiking in nature helps me. When I school that would give him a more positive
job actually took us all around the world. My went back, I just realized that nothing had learning experience.”