Page 9 - Cindy Salas Murphy San Diego Woman Magazine
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Women of Distinction
team to be fully integrated 4. Engaging in secretive or nity of care, in an incompara- 3. Allow us to suggest therapists
and informed about each suspicious behaviors. ble location. or long-term care facilities to
client’s precise requirements, 5. Isolating at home or in their Soledad House is very meet your needs.
thus establishing an ongoing room. pleased to have the ability to 4. Personally, touring our facil-
awareness of focused care and 6. Do these women display offer a “scholarship program” ities is essential, and unique
trustworthy on-going rehabili- amplified signs of anxiety or to those women who are in at Soledad House, allowing
tation practices”, said Penny. depression? need, but not able to meet you to have “up close and
Soledad House provides a the accepted requirements of personal” observations of our
volume of clinically created cli- 7. Have they suddenly lost treatment payment, typically exceptional living environ-
ent rehabilitation programs; all their sense of purpose or insurance. These women con- ments, professional staff, and
designed to meet or exceed an achievement? nect with the administration peer “Woman Communi-
assortment of client issues and 8. Changes in personality, at- department and evaluate for ty”, all established to assist
necessities on a consistent daily titude, or if you see sudden potential financial support and your required desires, while
basis. All professional practic- mood swings or irritability. appropriate assistance. developing your appropriate
es are based on fully accepted According to Penny, treatment plan.
and recognized comprehensive 9. Are there changes in their “calling Soledad House is the 5. At Soledad House, putting our
principles and ethics of com- physical appearance, sleep most important call you must client’ needs first is our quint-
plete industry requirements and patterns, or moods. make”. Navigating through the essential goal; helping them
strategies. 10. Financial or Legal troubles. challenges of drug or alcohol settle in a facility best ad-
With regard to referrals, addiction is a maze you never dressing their personal needs,
Soledad House has established Soledad House profession- want to face alone and without effective long-term rehabilita-
long-standing relationships and al staff members have often professional guidance. But so tion, and learning life skills to
collaborations with several high- been former clients. These many do! maintain their personal sober,
ly renowned treatment facilities empowered women must meet Soledad House is keenly drug and alcohol-free lifestyle
nationally. These facilities refer minimum sobriety require- interested in helping a po- going forward.
clients to Soledad House because ments, to serve in an adminis- tential client, family member,
of its extraordinary outpatient trative or managerial position at husband, sister, or mom, be
performance with after-care cli- Soledad House. Their personal better prepared to face these
ent programs and requirements. treatment and experience, as a challenges with answers to
Soledad House has created client of the “community”, fully their most daunting questions.
its “Top 10 list” of recognizable empowers them to pursue an The most important thing one
signs of alcohol or drug abuse occupation with this dedicated can do is ask for help”!
and offers these to families organization. Penny offers 5 critical rea-
for better acknowledgment It appears Soledad House sons to call Soledad House:
of problem situations. They has been a boon for the visitor
consist of the following: industry here. Nearly 75 per- 1. Help us better understand
your current individual
1. Neglecting responsibilities cent of its clients come from situation, navigate your dif-
at work, school, or with outside California. San Diego ficult questions and suggest
family. has become a beacon destina- our recommended pathway
tion for their clients seeking
2. Influence from a significant to receive top-tier care. San for your rehabilitation.
other. Diego’s highly desirable nation- 2. What have you tried to do
3. Spending more time with wide location, environment, to manage your addiction
friends who are drinking or and lifestyle provide clients and what has worked and
using. with an extraordinary commu- what has failed?