Page 44 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 44

Holiday Gift Guide

                                             Beauty Redefined

                                                       By Seline Shenoy

                                          true.  So appearance   fact that the author   all of her doubts and   Being insightful
                                          meant everything.    is not just telling a   insecurities.  enough to realize
                                          In today’s world,   story, she lived it.    Statistics such   she needed help
                                          women can be suc-  She was chastised   as the fact that “40   overcoming the
                                          cessful on their own,   for being bigger than  percent of all nine   damage that had
             Photo courtesy of Seline Shenoy  have their own ca-  comments cast her   a diet,” and that the   negative comments,
                                                                                and ten-year-old
                                                             the other girls and
                                                                                                  been done to her
                                          they can support
                                          themselves, they
                                                                                girls have been on
                                                             had many negative
                                                                                                  through years of
                                                                                National Eating Dis-
                                                                                                  Seline has now
                                          reers and their own
                                                             way, not only by
                                                             children her own
                                          dreams which they
                                                                                orders Association
                                                                                                  written a book
                                          can achieve on their
                                                                                states that 70 percent  that can help other
                                                             age, but by adults
                                                                                of six to 12-year-olds  women understand
                                                             and even family.
                                          own.  So why do
                                                                                want to be thinner,
                                          women still cringe
                                                                                                  why they feel the
                                                             She managed to get
                                          at a laugh line or shy
                                                                                                  what they need to
                                                             regimen including
                                                                                it is ever possible to
                                          away from mirrors?
                                              So as women    on a healthy eating   make us wonder if   way they do and
                                                                                                  do to overcome the
                           I knew when I   how do we over-                                        pain that remained
                        opened up this book   come these neg-                                     even after the weight
                        to review it, that this   ative body image                                disappeared.
                        was going to be an   thoughts?  Seline                                        If you read one
                        important book.  My  admits that some                                     book this year, let it
                        first clue was in the   women were able                                   be Beauty Redefined
                        Quote that Seline   to escape the low                                     and learn how you
                        chose to open up her  self-image. “The                                    can not only feel bet-
 Seline Shenoy is an author, podcast host and life coach on
                                          only way a woman                                        ter about yourself,
                        first chapter.  It was  self-esteem,
 topics  related  to personal  development,
                        the following:    can bypass feeling           REVIEW                     but share the im-
 productivity and wellness. She is the founder of The Dream
              “The beauty of a woman      this way is if she                                      portant information
 Catcher—a blog community that connects and encourages                                            with your sisters,
                                          grew up around
              must be seen from in her eyes,
                                          supportive parents
 people to live their dream life and to make a difference. Its                                    children, friends,
              because that is the doorway to                                    COPY
                                          or mentors who
 inspirational message  has been attracting thousands  of                                         and neighbors.  A
              her heart, the place where love
                                          were sensitive to her
 readers  every month  from  all  over  the  world  since 2014.                                   change needs to be
                                          vulnerability and
              —Audrey Hepburn
 She is a regular contributor to publications such as Forbes,                                     made, so women no
                                          who were able to                                        longer fear that their
 MindBodyGreen,  Elite  Daily,  Project  Happiness,  Global
                           Throughout     skillfully steer her                                    worth is measured
 Love Project and  several others.  To  learn  more  about
                        history women have   towards adopting a                                   by their appearance
                        always been judged   healthier self-con-                                  and not the signif-
 Seline’s  coaching  services, workshops  and  retreats  or  to
                                          cept, not based
                        by their appearance,
 hire  her  for  speaking  events,  please  visit  her  website:                                  icant contribution
                        whether it is who   on the superficial                                    they make to their
                        gets the attractive   constructs estab-                                   loved ones, friends,
                        man or the attractive  lished by society and   exercise, and before   overcome the stigma   business associates
                        job, it all seemed   history.”       long she was finding   associated with not   and society as a
                        rooted in appear-     Beauty Re-     people reacting to   being the prettiest or   whole.  The change
                        ance.  As Seline   defined is a book   her more positively   the thinnest.  This is   has to start some-
                        explains, perhaps   that every woman,   and getting com-  where Seline’s book   where.  Start by
                        this was because   young and old     pliments instead   Beauty Redefined   purchasing a copy of
                        women were reliant   should read.  What   of criticism. The   comes to the rescue.   Beauty Redefined!
                        on finding a suc-  makes it even more   only thing that she
                        cessful, handsome   significant than the   realized was that she   Pick up a copy of Beauty Redefined on
                        man to make all of   astonishing statistics   was still the same   Amazon at
                        their dreams come   it contains is the   person inside, with   ty-Redefined-Seline-Shenoy/dp/178710804X
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