Page 45 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 45

Holiday Gift Guide

                                                 Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine

                                                By Ellen Goldsmith, MSOM, Lac, DipCH With Maya Klein, PhD

                                                One of the    new life free of   Through the pages   type of eater.  This
                                            fundamental prin-  many chronic and   of this book, you   book will teach
                                            ciples of Chinese   debilitating Health   will learn the   you to not only eat
                                            Medicine is that   Problems.  Many of   basic principles of   for taste, but for
                                            food and medicine   these changes will   Chinese Dietary   health.
                                            are inseparable.    also help decrease   theory. This book   Visit www.rober-
                                            By making life-   stress and can help   includes 175 and
                                            long changes in   ward off problems   recipes formatted   order your way
                                            eating habits, you   caused by life-  by season geared   to healthy eating
                                            can gain a healthy   style and genetics.    towards every   today.

                                                        Crohn’s & Colitis (Third Edition)

                                                        By Dr. A. Hillary Steinhart, MD, MSc, FRCP(c)

                                            ate cures for this   these diseases,   ed back in 1932 at   Ulcerative
                                            disease the struggle   there is no better   Mount Sinai Hos-  Colitis has been
                                            is even harder, as   expert to walk you   pital.  It was Drs   with us since the
                                            you see no cure   through the disease   Crohn, Ginzburg   late 19th century.
                                            in the near future   and help provide   and Oppenheimer   At first, treatment
                                            and at times you   some solutions that   at the New York   required surgery
                                            wonder why you    may give you the   Hospital who were   and many patients
                                            can’t be like other   relief you desire.   the first to describe   died during the
                                            people and lead a     In this book,   this condition as   procedure. In the
                                            normal life.  Why   Dr. Steinhart shows   a specific disease   1940s there was a
                                            does what you eat,   how these diseases   entity.  The focus   vast improvement
                                            control what you   can be effectively   of their first study   in the surgical and
                                            can actually do on a  and safely managed   was that the patient  medical manage-
                              Living with   daily basis.      with diet, medica-  was suffering an   ment of the disease.
                          Inflammatory         The doctor who  tion and in some   inflammation of   Death is extremely
                          Bowel Disease is   wrote this book is   cases surgery. This   the ileum, the last   rare now as a result
                          a challenge.  For   a well-respected   book also speaks of   part of the small   of surgery.
                          anyone who suffers   expert in the field   the possible causes   intestine. Several   If you suffer from
                          from this disease it   and is the Medical   of Inflammatory   years after it was   Crohn’s or Colitis,
                          is easy to see how it  Director of Mount   Bowel Disease and   discovered it was   this is a must-read
                          can take over your   Sinai Hospital, In-  suggested treat-  named Crohn’s   book for you.  Go
                          life.  When you   flammatory Bowel   ments.            Disease and has   to www.rober-
                          consider that there   Disease Centre.  So   Crohn’s Dis-  been known as to order it
                          are no immedi-    if you suffer from   ease, was first not-  such ever since.  today.

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