Page 46 - The Holiday Issue San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 46

Holiday Gift Guide

                                                 Aromatherapy With Essential Oil Diffusers:
                                                               For Everyday Health & Wellness

                                                                 By Karin Parramore, Lac, CH

                                            that? This com-   can lead to poor   using Aromather-  moves on to ex-
                                            prehensive guide   health.           apy to calm that   plain in detail, how
                                            to Aromatherapy       Karin teaches   holiday craziness.  to use your diffuser
                                            using Essential Oil   you how to diffuse   This book in-  for optimum ben-
                                            Diffusers is easy to   essential oils, from   cludes information   efit.  She also offers
                                            navigate, even for   ammi to ylang   on the history of   over 160 formulas
                                            the novice.       ylang, to improve   Aromatherapy, ex-  for specialized oil
                                                Aromatherapy   your physical,    plains the different   blends.  Whether
                                            and essential oils   mental and emo-  types of diffusers   you are new to
                                            are more popular   tional health and to   and teaches you   Aromatherapy, or
                                            than ever, as more   destress your time,   how to choose, use   have been a follow-
                                            and more people   your work space    and store essential   er for years, this
                              Diffusing     discover that con-  and even your car.   oils.         is one book you
                          essential oils can   centrated aromatics  With the holidays   Once you   should have in your
                          improve your      can be used in a   fast approaching   understand these   home.
                          health and well-be-  therapeutic way, to   and stress levels   elements Karin
                          ing and who       address imbalances   being higher than   Go to to order your
                          doesn’t want to do   in our bodies that   normal, consider
                                                                                 copy today.

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