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Fabulous Finds
abrasions, raw sores, insect bites, psoriasis, and fits easily in most refrigerators at 10.5 As someone with several health issues
eczema, poison ivy and more. inches tall. it was imperative that I do all I could to pro-
The completely new patented Zincuta The plastic float in the carafe is BPA tect myself especially during the pandem-
Ointment was inspired by the works of free and the carafe and lid are made of the ic. This has been my go-to solution to help
Dr. Josiah C. Case (1865 – 1930), an eighth highest quality flint glass. Savino’s main raise my immunity levels and feel like I am
generation Southold resident with an im- premise is that “great products begin with doing something positive to protect my
peccable reputation. A very effective and a great experience” and with this effective, health during these uncertain and scary
successful remedy. To Honor Dr. Case and elegant, and easy to use carafe, that is defi- times. To order yours today go to: https://
a way of life, Herbalist Donna Penney thor- nitely the result. Savino is manufactured
oughly researched, and lovingly formulat- in the USA and can be purchased directly liposomal-immunity-boost
ed a completely new version of Zincuta. It online at
is concocted in Brooklyn, New York with 31. Z Wraps
the highest standards. This exceedingly 30. Baseline Immunity Boost Z Wraps are eco-friendly reusable food
good ointment is made with the finest, In times like these we are always wraps. Their new multi-packs offer the
purest, natural ingredients. searching out ways to keep safe and combination of value and design people
With a nagging skin issue there are not Baseline Immunity Boost should be at are looking for right now, and not often
many remedies I have not tried. I have to the top of your list. It is an optimal liquid found. It was mom, Michelle Zimora who
say I was extremely impressed with the liposomal Vitamin C & D. It is 6x more wanted to create a product that was
results that I obtained with Zincuta. If you bioavailable than non-liposomal formu- beautiful and useful, making something
are looking for solutions to many ailments las which means it offers a much higher ordinary extraordinary.
in one little tin, that can easily be tossed absorption rate. This is the most potent Michelle taught outdoor education
into your bag, this is the solution for you. way to supply your body with a safe & before having kids, “I care about mak-
Go to and order powerful immunity boost. The natural ing smart choices that are good for the
yours today. orange flavor means you won’t shy away environment – and look great, too. In 2017,
from taking this supplement every day. in my kitchen, I took one of my favorite
29. SAVINO WINE SAVING CARAFE Each serving provides 1000 mg of potent printed fabrics and coated it in a blend of
Have you ever opened a bottle of one, vitamin C and 500 IU vitamin D all in a beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin. After
for your party of one, and found yourself one teaspoon serving. a whole lot of testing, I got the recipe just
saddened at the thought of how quickly One important factor that we love right. My girls went to school with their
the remainder of the bottle will spoil in the about Baseline Immunity Boost is that you sandwiches wrapped in them the next day.”
fridge? With Savino Wine Saving Carafe, are assured of the quality since it is made We tried out Z Wraps and now our staff
you never have to worry about it again! in the USA, Non GMO, gluten-free and veg- fridge is full of a beautiful array of Z Wraps.
This innovative design comes in glass etarian, so everyone can use this product They are reusable and washable, the
or plastic, depending on your preference, regardless of your dietary restrictions. perfect answer for lunchboxes, leftovers,
and features an oxidizing preventative Baseline is a California based lifestyle hostess gifts and more. You will love them!
float which rests atop the wine. The carafe wellness brand that promises and delivers Go to and order
holds a standard bottle of wine (750 ML) nature’s finest and highest quality product. yours today.