Page 53 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
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Fabulous Finds
We all have times when sleep eludes us, bear a strong resemblance to a burrito. tion and exhaustion by providing educa-
and in the event that this happens why What is the purpose of swaddling? It helps tional content based on the AAP safe sleep
not be prepared. Very simply, when gentle your baby feel secure as he or she adjusts recommendations and to provide safer
pressure is applied to the body it has a to life outside the womb. It also prevents sleepwear for babies. Visit the Swaddle
profound calming effect, like a hug. This your baby from flailing her arms or legs, Design site to not only order one of their
science is known as Deep Touch Pressure which can trigger the baby's startle reflex. beautiful Swaddle Sacks, but also to learn
and it’s something from which we can all It keeps babies cozy and warm until their more tips so you and your baby can get a
benefit. internal thermostat kicks in and often is better night’s sleep.
The Nodpod consists of four weighted responsible for giving your newborn a Go to https://www.swaddledesigns.
pods with scent-free,machine washable better night’s sleep. com/ and order yours today.
microbeads.The scallop-edge contours to The founder of Swaddle Designs,
your face for total-light blocking comfort Lynette, an experienced nurse, created an 22. Slim Chillers®
There is no Elastic or Velcro so the nod- easier way to swaddle your baby. Rather With restaurants and bars being
pod lies freely over your eyes or you can than attempting to do so with a plain closed for so long many of us have
secure it with our pull-through slit. With blanket which can be a challenge for a missed the opportunity to go out with
Hollow Ends it allows for Head resting new parent. Her Swaddle Sack is designed friends to grab a cocktail and just chill
comfort in any sleeping position for convenience, comfort, and safety for out. Thanks to Slim Chillers we now can
One of the elements that we liked your baby. move the party inside. Their Vodka Cock-
best is that one side is made of a cooling The American Academy of Pediatrics tail Skinny Freezers are not only delicious
jersey cotton and the other side of a warm recommends parents stop restraining and refreshing but only 100 calories. So,
microfiber. baby’s arms in a snug swaddle around now we can enjoy an alcoholic beverage
I sometimes find it difficult to sleep so two to three months, or when baby shows without the guilt.
when I received this sample I was hop- signs of starting to roll over. However, Our staff enjoyed our after work
ing for a solution and I was pleased to many babies are not ready and are unable gatherings just a little bit more with
find one. The Nodpod not only blocked to sleep well in a loose wearable blanket at this addition to our freezer. Slim Chillers
out light but the deep touch pressured this stage. If parents continue to swaddle were formed on the premise that it is
seemed to somehow calm me and made their baby with arms restrained at this not only possible, but also highly prob-
sleep a lot easier. stage, the risk of suffocation increases if able, to have an adult frozen cocktail
If you want to guarantee a restful baby was to roll over. without all the unforgiving calories and
night’s sleep go online to To address this issue, Lynette created still make it taste great as well! They and order yours The Transitional Swaddle Sack® with Arms made a point of using only the finest
today. Up and Mitten Cuffs. It is a very important alcohol. they certainly didn’t want to
innovation in Safe Sleepwear - especially utilize inferior “malts” or “wines” for what
21. Swaddle Designs for babies who can roll over. they felt truly was to be a premium
Swaddling a newborn is an ancient Lynette, has made it her life mission, beverage Their Skinny Freezers uses
technique for wrapping a newborn in a and the mission of Swaddle Designs, to only 8 times distilled, Triple Filtered,
thin blanket or cloth making your baby help new parents prevent sleep depriva- Vodka; along with select, carefully bal-