Page 48 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 48
Fabulous Finds
tunity to review their Jane Austen Boxed This is a fun way to unplug your kids was getting better every day, just in time
Set. Jane Austen has been a long time and allow them the great value of using for his second son’s arrival. It was through
favorite of mine and needless to say I am their imagination to create these amazing this experience that Jane and Ivan came
not alone. characters in their minds and perhaps get to understand the importance of a strong
Jane Austen's stories are tales of clev- back to simpler times when reading was support group. As such, they decided
er women, elusive love, and social mores more fun than movies because each of us to build a brand community where all
which have struck a chord with millions could recreate the characters as we read mothers and fathers can come together
of fans who consider her work compel- the words of the great authors. to support one another through the ups
ling, heartwarming, and essential. and downs of the parenthood journey. Ke-
Her literary creations have not only 11. KeaBabies aBabies was born out of their experiences.
been read by countless readers, but many Where life is such a rush every day, it is Today they have a full line of amazing baby
of us have also had the opportunity to refreshing when you come across a compa- products to help make the process easier
watch her stories come to life on stage and ny that’s prime purpose is to get us to step for new parents and allow them to worry
screen. The stories hit upon such profound back and live in the moment. KeaBabies less and enjoy more.
realities that there are few people who do is this company. With their primary goal We had the opportunity to try out their
not lose themselves in her stories. being to remind new moms and dads that wonderful diaper backpack, which I used
This elegant collection includes Aus- every moment counts, especially when it when traveling cross-country to visit my
ten's acclaimed novels Sense and Sensibil- comes to time spent with their newborn. granddaughter and bring her back to San
ity, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Mansfield Founders Jane and Ivan believe that there Diego. It made the trip so much easier,
Park, Persuasion, and Northanger Abbey. is nothing better than seeing the world having everything organized and within
Readers will be enchanted by the specially through their child’s eyes. They founded easy reach. I found it so much easier than
designed spines, custom endpapers, and KeaBabies after the birth of their first son in a traditional baby bag, particularly while
six brilliant stories. Just like Jane Austen's 2016. Some of the greatest inventions are changing planes with a toddler in tow.
memorable characters, readers will fall in built out of necessity. When their first son The other item came just in time for
love with this set of novels on their book- was just 5 months old Jane found out she one of our staff to welcome their new baby
shelf. was expecting again. She soon found that girl. The Baby Handprint and Footprint
If you have missed out on reading any taking care of an infant was wearing on her Keepsake Kit, was not only a great mem-
of these classic books, or if you read them as her pregnancy progressed. At that same ory for mom and dad to have for years to
long ago and would like to experience the point her son was at his most needy, want- come, but created a wonderful bonding
enchantment of Jane Austen’s characters ing to be carried all the time. Just as she moment creating this keepsake together
once again simply go to https://www.can- entered her third trimester her husband with their beautiful baby girl. Ivan got into a serious bicycle accident that These two items are but a small sampling
austen-boxed-set-9781645170006/ to injured his spinal cord. of the treasures you can find on their site.
order your boxed set today. While you are Ivan got into a very bad bicycle acci- Not only are they on spot, but every item
on their site look at the myriad of classic dent which injured his spinal cord. Thanks they offer is of the highest quality. Go online
books that are must haves for our libraries to a strong support network of family and now and start making memories with your
and our families. friends, Ivan came through his surgery and little ones. Go to