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P. 46
Fabulous Finds
The company behind Deminuage™ is Altough they have a few options when 7. Drift
iFacial™ which was founded in 2019 and selecting the pen we tested their stan- We have the pleasure of trying many
is based in Palo Alto, California, iFacial™ dard pen which we thought did a superb different products for review in our
focuses on developing and commercial- job. The came with everything you need publication. Rarely do we come across
izing non-invasive drug delivery technol- to immediately start improving your skin. one as unique as Drift. When most of us
ogy. In addition to the pen included was 20 think about car air fresheners most of us
Before starting the company, the daily NanoChips, 10 Booster NanoChips conjure up those pine trees that hang
founders of iFacial™ spent more than a and 10 Blanq brightening Serums with from our rear-view mirrors. Drift is the
decade developing the QuickPore™ tech- rubber applicators. new wave of car air freshener. They have
nology, along with patented skincare The process is simple and painless. combined functional design with real
solutions. This proprietary transdermal You screw in the NanoChip to the pen scents that are always phthalate free It
delivery system enhances the absorption then snap open the serum bottles. At- consists of a slick looking metal holder
of active ingredients into the skin with- tach the applicator to the serum and pat that easily fits over your car visor and a
out chemical enhancers. it all over your face. Once you have coat- handsome natural hand-cut wood which
With this innovation came the launch ed your entire face take the NanoPen, is soaked in essential and fragrance oils.
of iFacial™‘s brand Deminuage™. It intro- which is powered by one AAA battery And then magnetized to fit perfectly on
duced a first-of-its-kind product line that and hold it perpendicular to the face your visor with our metal clip. It is strong
combines proven active formulations and gently begin sliding it onto the skin, enough that it does not bounce off even
with QuickPore™ technology. Deminu- starting from the inside to outside and when you hit a bump.
age™’s products aim to treat various skin bottom to top. Don’t slide the pen over What makes this product even better
conditions such as wrinkles, dark spots, any area more than three times. When is that Drift is a subscription giving you
blemishes, and other signs of aging. you have finished your daily treatment, the opportunity to try out their varied
It also has amazing results on acne which only takes 5-10 minutes, remove scents until you find the one you favor.
because it overcomes the skin barrier the nanochip discard it and any extra se- Even more important is the subscription
for acne care. There is no bleeding or rum. This procedure should be followed caters to you and the frequency you re-
discomfort. Deminuage™ is also great for daily for the best results. ceive new scents is up to you. You can also
helping smooth fine lines and softening After doing this for one week I could change your original timing choice should
wrinkles. see the amazing progress it made and you find it doesn’t work for you. There is
The concept behind microneedling found my skin brighter, I saw fine lines free shipping each month and you can
is that small injuries are created with the disappear and even some brown spots cancel at any time, but once you try this
needles which the body quickly begins faded to barely visible. The texture of my great new product, you won’t want to.
to heal and in doing so new skin is pro- skin was much improved and I felt as if What we liked best about Drift
duced that evens out skin tone and color years had been washed away from my fragrances is that the scents last, unlike
in essence creating a new surface. face. other car air fresheners that are over-
The pen used to do this is lightweight Bring the salon to your house by powering at first but then within days
and compact enough to stick in your visiting Deminuage™ at there is no scent at all. Best of all this is a
bag or overnight case when traveling. product that is proudly made in the USA.