Page 45 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 45
Fabulous Finds
securely hold your phone, money, keys, ID customers are out on the town on a Friday as a blanket, travel pillow, light sleeping
and more. night with friends, then up for dawn for an bag or even an emergency poncho. They
Belcorva boasts five pockets with side impromptu hike in the woods. have snaps which allow you to connect
pockets large enough to hold the largest Unbeknown to most, Coalatree started several together. The blanket comes with
iphones on the market. In addition, they out as a self-sustaining organic farm in a removable hood so you can convert it
also have smaller 4 x 2 inch zipper pockets Colorado. The farm focused around a "reap to an emergency poncho.The material is
in the back for smaller items, as well as a what you sow" mentality, and integrated coated to keep it dry. Water and stains will
small waistline pocket. sustainable practices with quality prod- bead right off the surface.
Not only do they come in a large va- ucts. It was out of this mission that in 2010 Needless to say we love the products
riety of designs and styles, but they have they decided to create the perfect cloth- created by Coalatree, but there is one oth-
moisture-wicking properties, are tag less ing to go along with their lifestyle. er thing that makes us huge fans of Coala-
and include a drawstring in the waistband We had the pleasure of trying their tree and that is how much they giveback.
for the best possible fit. Trailhead Adventure Shorts and their Every year they use the excess material to
Imagine being able to run your errands Kachula Adventure Blanket. construct blankets for the homeless. They
around town without lugging along a One of our editors decided to give also partner with local organizations to
heavy handbag, since there are enough the shorts a go and said she had never maintain the hiking and biking trails that
pockets to meet all your needs. had a more comfortable pair of shorts. they frequent.
Check out their full line of great prod- They were lightweight and breathed and Go to and
ucts at moved easily with every movement she check out their full line of products.
made. As she puts it, “a perfect pair of
5. Coalatree shorts for a weekend camping trip or to 6. Deminuage™
We all love the outdoors and a lot of us run around and do errands in town on the We were sent this awesome product
are making use of the time away from the weekend.” I guess Coalatree achieved their for review and I have to tell you I am ex-
office for some spur of the moment camp- goal. Not only did these shorts pass our tremely impressed. Due to shut downs of
ing trips. One of our favorite companies, test” they have other great characteristics salons and spas, many of us have learned
Coalatree, designs eco-minded gear and that make them a must have purchase. how to make do with at home versions of
apparel for the adventurer in everyone, These shorts are tear resistant made from many of our beauty treatments. Unfortu-
from athletes and photographers to your durable ripstop nylon that stops tears nately, not all of the procedures that we
average city folks and weekend warriors. before they start. The unique fabric is visited salons for are available at home.
Their mission is to introduce elements antimicrobial which inhibits the growth of That was until Deminuage™ Many of us
of the outdoor life together with the bacteria and easy to pack for your trip as have heard of the procedure known as
city life. Their products are truly versatile they can be stuffed into a small bag and Microneedling. It can be used to treat
enough for the weekend warrior or the come out looking great and ready to wear. a wide variety of skin irregularities, For
city lover. Their mission is to allow you to The Kachula Adventure Blanket is an example, fillers can improve the appear-
be ready for just about anything. item ideal for camping, but just as ideal ance of scars or wrinkles, but cannot
To Coalatree, a MTN2CTY lifestyle is for keeping in the trunk of your car for a treat discolorations like sun spots on the
one of adventure, freedom, and ease. Our trip to the beach. This blanket can be used surface of the skin.