Page 49 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 49
Fabulous Finds
12. StickTogether Puzzles Anyone in the health profession or any including operating rooms. Gloves in a
With the added stress of the COVID-19 profession for that matter, where they are Bottle is 100% free of harmful chemicals
Pandemic filling our lives, we all need a constantly washing their hands has felt and is vegan, dermatology tested, cruelty
way to decompress. If you need to escape the pain that this can cause. Your skin be- free and every ingredient is on the FDA’s
reality for a minute, let us introduce you comes dry, cracked and raw and you may most safe list.
to StickTogether Puzzles. even develop open cuts which makes What we love more than anything is
Unlike typical jigsaw puzzles, the per- it difficult to perform even the simplest that they pledged to send product free
son completing the StickTogether puzzle of tasks. Many of us have found that our of charge to any health care worker who
uses a coded poster, a color key and stick- skin is worse in the winter months when contacts them asking for it. Even if you
ers to create a fun pixelated image. The it is affected by weather changes. For are not a healthcare worker the benefit of
unique puzzles are available in a variety anyone who has ever suffered from these this product to all of us is amazing, so visit
of designs like animals, beaches, works of skin issues I am happy to say that there their site today and order some for you
art, and holiday scenes. The added perk to is a cure. and your loved ones. Go to
these puzzles is their ability to improve, We had the pleasure of sampling to
practice, and enhance visual scanning, Gloves In A Bottle (available on Amazon), order today or you can also find them on
fine motor skills, visual tracking, motor a shielding lotion that actually bonds to Amazon.
planning, hand-eye coordination, social the outer layer of skin filling in any gaps
interactions, and letter recognition. and protecting skin for up to four hours 14. Jet Set Candy
It’s a beautiful thing to see a work of while washing and sanitizing. Heath care Jet Set Candy combines two of my fa-
art that people from all walks of life can workers were absolutely elated at this vorite things, beautiful jewelry and trav-
create together. With standard and large product, especially during this pandem- el. How could they possibly accomplish
format kits available, you can pick the de- ic as the need to clean and sanitize has this feat? By helping to turn our travel
sign you love in the size you desire. They drastically increased. This product is heads memories into something that we will
also offer bundles so you can get a set above the regular creams and moisturiz- possess for a lifetime. Yes, there are the
of 4 kits, which is great for the family or ers that most of us have previously used pictures that we take, but Jet Set Candy
classroom, or as a way to ensure you have in an attempt to solve the problem, but takes it a step beyond. They allow you to
activities on deck anytime the kids are quickly found it did not. The reason this is wear your memories for all to see.
ready! Visit such an issue is you would apply the lo- Their jewelry is versatile and so cre-
to watch videos on exactly how these tions or moisturizers and then as soon as ative. There are gold and silver replicas of
puzzles are completed and purchase the need arose for you to have to sanitize Passport Stamps and Luggage Tags from
some of your own. your hands again, you would be washing all over the world. There are symbols that
off the product that you just applied. clearly represent special locations to all
13. Gloves in a Bottle Hospital workers have said that it is of us. A vespa scooter with the word Ital-
Some of us have had this problem for the only thing that helps heal their bleed- ia on it, the Chrysler Building in NY, a NY
years, but some of us have only recently ing hands after a shift where they are con- metro card charm, an Eiffel Tower charm,
understood what constant washing and stantly washing them, and it is approved a NY Taxi charm and even Russian Ma-
sanitizing our hands can do to our skin. for them to use in all areas of the hospital tryoshka Nesting Doll. Now aren’t these