Page 44 - San Diego Woman Magazine Digital Version
P. 44

Fabulous Finds



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        2.  ANSHI                           toms that this amazing product can help   principles: the “barefoot” upper, a soft,
           With all of the companies and products  is astounding. It helps eliminate eczema,   non-binding design that conforms to
        that come across my desk every day, AN-  rejuvenates facial skin, relieves joint   the top of the foot to allow circulation
        SHI is one of the most unique and honest   and muscle pain, stops swelling, heals   and all-day comfort, and the patented,
        ones I have had the pleasure of testing.   bites and other irritation, improves foot   metal-free twin arch-support soles (made
        ANSHI believes that you should not only   circulation, soothes bumps from shav-  from molded polyurethane), which pro-
        be concerned with what you eat, but as   ing, heals cracked feet and even relieves   tect the foot arch and allow the distribu-
        concerned with what you put on your skin.  cramps. Even more amazing is that they   tion of body weight through the entire
           ANSHI means God’s gift and comes   are extremely transparent about what is   plantar surface.
        from the ancient Sanskrit language. Their   inside their product. It includes coconut   We all know how much we love our
        products are a multipurpose, versatile line   oil, castor oil, pink Himalayan salt, vitamin   shoes, but often we love how they look,
        of personalized natural medicine and skin   E oil, beeswax, and 100% pure turmeric   but not how they feel. This makes Ar-
        care.                               oil. The application is made easier due to   copédico a step above the others, because
           What is equally amazing is that the cre-  the presence of the Himalayan salt as the   not only do they look great but they feel
        ation of this incredible product occurred at  directions suggest rubbing ANSHI in until   great as well.
        the hospital bedside of their founder and   the salt disappears, allowing a level of   Go to and
        CEO's daughter Raegan. ANSHI consists   confidence knowing it has been properly   order your today.
        of only six all natural ingredients. These   applied.
        therapeutic grade ingredients work in   Thank you to Founder and CEO Janelle   4.  Belcorva
        minutes to relieve a wide range of symp-  and her daughter Raegan for this product.   Due to the fact that these days we
        toms including headaches, skin irritations,   It is safe for anyone at any age. For more   are spending more time at home, our
        swelling, and pain.                 information visit:  office wear has changed to comfort wear.
           When you apply ANSHI it immediately                                   Belcorva is the perfect fit for our needs.
        gets to work. The transdermal application   3.  Arcopédico.              Not only is it some of the most comfort-
        is delivered into the bloodstream while re-  If you are looking for the most com-  able pants and capris we have ever tried,
        ducing side effects since it is not delivered   fortable shoes you will ever wear look   but there was some serious thought put
        orally.                             no further than Arcopédico. We had the   into the design of their products. Many
           For years I have suffered with a hered-  pleasure of trying out their amazing silver   companies forgo the addition of pockets
        itary skin disorder which I am told has no   and black sandal. One of the things we   in their design, but Belcorva does just the
        known cure, what ANSHI did was minimize   loved about them were how great they   opposite. They have more pockets than
        the redness and roughness of the skin   looked with both trousers and dresses. The   you can imagine you will need, but trust
        in the affected areas. I also noted that it   absolute best part of these sandals were   me you need each one of them. The mod-
        helped with joint pain as well.     the way they felt. I could be on my feet all   ern day woman on the go carries a phone
           I have to say that others in our office   day long, and my feet felt as good as when   on her if nothing else, yet trendy athletic
        gave it a try and were surprised that I was   I first slipped them on.   brands barely provide pockets that fit
        not exaggerating the quick relief achieved   The hallmark of all Arcopédico shoes   spare change and a small key. Their pants,
        with the use of ANSHI. The list of symp-  can be seen in two fundamental design   capris, and shorts have enough pockets to
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