Page 32 - San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 32


                                                              and maintaining military readi-  ifornia, serves the U.S. Navy as-
                                                              ness in support of the National  signed to Strike Fighter Squad-
                                                              Defense Strategy.           ron 106 in support of the F/A-18
                                                                 As Gill and other sailors and  Super Hornet.
                                                              civilians  continue  to  train  and   Jacob Brooker joined the
                                                              perform missions, they take  Navy seven years ago.  Today,
                                                              pride in keeping fellow sailors  Brooker serves as a weapon sys-
                                                              and civilians safe and serving  tems officer.
                                                              their  country  in  the  United   “I joined to follow in my fa-
                                                              States Navy.                ther's footsteps and to fly jets,”
                                                                 “I love being a part of the  said Brooker. "After my freshman
                                                              oceanography   community,"  year of college, during ROTC
                                                              said Gill. "My degree is in ocean-  training, I was exposed to differ-
                                                              ography so it's great to be able  ent communities. One of them
                                                              to serve in an area I'm so pas-  was aviation; I went up in the
                                                              sionate about.”             trainer aircraft and had such a
        La Jolla native            and meteorological data to pro-  Naval Oceanography di-  great time, I knew it was for me."
                                                                                             Growing up in Santee,
                                   duce forecasts and warnings in  rects and oversees more than
        wins Navy golf             support of safety of flight and  2,500 globally-distributed mili-  Brooker attended Central Kit-
        championship               navigation.                tary and civilian personnel who  sap High School in Silverdale,
                                                                                          Washington, and graduated in
                                      “Naval Oceanography oper-
                                                              collect, process and exploit en-
                                   ates simultaneously at the stra-  vironmental information to as-  2011. Today, Brooker relies upon
        By Alvin Plexico, Navy Office of
        Community Outreach         tegic, operational and tactical  sist Fleet and Joint Command-  skills and values similar to those
                                   levels of warfare in every the-  ers in all warfare areas to make  found  in Santee  to succeed in
           GULFPORT, Miss. - Lt. Cmdr.   ater around the globe,” said Rear  better decisions, based on as-  the military.
        Laurel Gill, a native of La Jolla,   Adm. Ron Piret, commanding  sured environmental informa-  “Growing up in a military
        California, won the Navy golf   officer, Naval Meteorology and  tion, faster than the adversary.  family I learned to be flexible,”
        championship  recently  and   Oceanography Command. “We                           said Brooker. "I knew I would be
        earned third place in the Armed   pride ourselves in our ability to               moved around a lot.”
        Forces tournament.         characterize the battle space                             These lessons have helped
           “The  first  tournament  and then predict changes in the                       Brooker while serving with the
        takes the best  golfers in the   environment over time. Every                     Navy.
        Navy to compete for a spot on   ship that sails, every aircraft that                 The Super Hornet is one of
        the Navy  Team,"said Gill. "The   takes flight, every submarine                   the most advanced aircraft in
        top three women and top six   that dives beneath the surface                      the world, according to Navy
        men  compete  at  the  Armed   of the ocean has to go to sea                      officials.  The aircraft takes off
        Forces Championship against   with the information that Naval                     from and lands on Navy aircraft
        the other services. I won the   Oceanography provides.”                           carriers at sea and is capable of
        Navy championship and came    Naval Oceanography per-                             conducting air-to-air combat as
        in third at  the Armed Forces   sonnel demonstrate expertise                      well as striking targets on land.
        Championship."             in Hydrography, Geospatial In-                            Navy aircraft carriers are
           Gill currently serves as the   formation and Services (GIS),                   designed for a 50-year service
        officer in charge of the Naval   datum issues, and Tactical Deci-                 life. When the air wing is em-
        Meteorology and Oceanog-   sion Aids (TDA). They combine                          barked, the ship carries more
        raphy Reserve Detachment in   knowledge of the operating                          than 70 attack fighter jets, he-
                                   environment with a thorough  Santee native
        Jacksonville, Florida.                                                            licopters and other aircraft, all
           Naval Oceanography en-  understanding of warfighting   supports U.S. Navy      of which take off from and land
        sures  the  U.S.  Navy  maintains   capabilities to assess and pre-               aboard the carrier at sea. With
                                   dict environmental impacts to  Super Hornet Jet
        freedom  from  the  ocean  floor                                                  more than 5,000 sailors serving
        to the stars.              friendly and enemy platforms,   Aircraft               aboard, the aircraft carrier is a
           Sailors  and civilians  work-  sensors and weapon systems.                     self-contained mobile airport.
        ing throughout Naval Ocean-   Serving in the Navy means   By Petty Officer 1st Class Patricia   Aircraft carriers are often
        ography collect, measure, and   Gill is part of a team that is   Rodriguez, Navy Office of Com-  the first response to a global
        analyze  the  elements  of  the   taking on new importance in   munity Outreach   crisis because of their ability to
        physical environment (land,   America’s focus on strengthen-                      operate freely in international
        sea, air, space). They synthesize   ing alliances, modernizing ca-  NORFOLK,  Va. – Lt. Jacob  waters anywhere on the world’s
        a  vast  array  of  oceanographic   pabilities, increasing capacities  Brooker, a native of Santee, Cal-  oceans.

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