Page 33 - San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 33
Since USS Langley's com- in serving their country in the School and graduated in 2014. of our enduring maritime pres-
missioning 100 years ago, the United States Navy. “I would like to shout out ence and influence," said Rear
nation's aircraft carriers and “Serving means sacrificing to my family and my two best Adm. James P. Downey, USN,
embarked carrier air wings have certain freedoms and opportu- friends, Kiana and Alexsus,” said Program Executive Officer
projected power, sustained sea nities so others can have them,” Evans. (PEO) Aircraft Carriers. "These
control, bolstered deterrence, added Brooker. Today, Evans relies upon ships touch every part of our
provided humanitarian assis- skills and values similar to Navy's mission to project pow-
tance and disaster relief, and those found in San Diego to er, ensure sea control, and de-
maintained enduring commit- succeed in the military. ter our adversaries."
ments worldwide. “San Diego is such a diverse Serving in the Navy means
"The aircraft carrier is our place,” said Evans. “There are Evans is part of a world that is
U.S. Navy's centerpiece, our so many different races and taking on new importance in
flagship, and a constant re- ethnicities that it made me cul- America’s focus on strengthen-
minder to the rest of the world turally aware. That has enabled ing alliances, modernizing ca-
of our enduring maritime pres- me to come out of my shell in pabilities, increasing capacities
ence and influence," said Rear the Navy and connect with all and maintaining military readi-
Adm. James P. Downey, USN, kinds of people. I feel like I al- ness in support of the National
Program Executive Officer ready know a little bit about Defense Strategy.
(PEO) Aircraft Carriers. "These them.” “The Navy conducts opera-
ships touch every part of our These lessons have helped tions that keep our presence at
Navy's mission to project pow- Evans while serving with the sea and protect America's free-
er, ensure sea control, and deter Navy. doms,” said Evans.
our adversaries." The Super Hornet is one of Evans and the sailors they
Serving in the Navy means the most advanced aircraft in serve with have many oppor-
Brooker is part of a world that the world, according to Navy tunities to achieve accomplish-
is taking on new importance in San Diego native officials. The aircraft takes off ments during their military
America’s focus on strengthen- supports U.S. Navy from and lands on Navy aircraft service.
ing alliances, modernizing ca- carriers at sea and is capable of “I’m proud of making petty
pabilities, increasing capacities Super Hornet Jet conducting air-to-air combat officer first class in six years,”
and maintaining military readi- Aircraft as well as striking targets on said Evans. “I came in as an un-
ness in support of the National land. designated seaman, which is
Defense Strategy. By Petty Officer 1st Class Patricia Navy aircraft carriers are a rough way to start. I always
“The Navy can provide secu- Rodriguez, Navy Office of Com- designed for a 50-year service knew I wanted to be a yeoman,
rity to any nation on the globe munity Outreach life. When the air wing is em- so I struck yeoman and made
at any time,” said Brooker. “Our barked, the ship carries more second class and first class the
carriers allow us to project our NORFOLK, Va. – Petty Of- than 70 attack fighter jets, first time up. It was always my
power over long ranges from ficer 1st Class Stormy Evans, a helicopters and other aircraft, goal to do it on this timeline, so
any point on the globe.” native of San Diego, California, all of which takes off from and I could put in my package to be
Brooker and the sailors they serves the U.S. Navy assigned lands aboard the carrier at sea. an administrative officer. I will
serve with have many oppor- to Strike Fighter Squadron 106 With more than 5,000 sailors be able to put the package in
tunities to achieve accomplish- in support of the F/A-18 Super serving aboard, the aircraft next year.”
ments during their military ser- Hornet. carrier is a self-contained mo- As Evans and other sailors
vice. Evans joined the Navy six bile airport. continue to train and perform
“I was given two awards years ago. Today, Evans serves Since USS Langley's com- missions, they take pride in
from two different squadrons as a yeoman. missioning 100 years ago, the serving their country in the
I worked with,” said Brooker. “Initially, my best friend nation's aircraft carriers and United States Navy.
"One was the Brutus Award and joined the Navy and she wanted embarked carrier air wings “Serving means that I am
the other was the Hobb Higgins me to join with her. I didn't feel have projected power, sus- contributing to a legacy that
Award. They are given to junior like it was for me,” said Evans. tained sea control, bolstered is bigger than myself,” added
officers that embody a fighter “She got stationed in Japan and I deterrence, provided human- Evans. “I’m playing a big part in
spirit and show the younger saw she was doing so well on her itarian assistance and disaster keeping my family safe. When I
junior officers an example of a own. I was working a full-time relief, and maintained endur- first joined, I didn't understand
fighter spirit, and what it means job and was kind of miserable. I ing commitments worldwide. how big of a responsibility it
to be in a fighter squadron." decided I would give it a try, and "The aircraft carrier is our was, now I understand.”
As Brooker and other sail- it's been amazing ever since.” U.S. Navy's centerpiece, our
ors continue to train and per- Growing up in San Diego, flagship, and a constant re-
form missions, they take pride Evans attended Morse High minder to the rest of the world