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HOLIDAY EDITION by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
22 24
Relevate will assist you with maintaining Chocolate and Orange, Banana Walnut and
cognitive function and reduce the risk of Chocolate, Fig Walnut and Chocolate, and
Plantains are sugar-free vegetables age-related brain illness. Plus, with the op- Cranberry Pistachio, to name a few, these
grown in the same way as a banana. High in tion for subscription service, you can receive delectable treats are the missing link to
fiber and potassium and low in cholesterol, a discount and free shipping on your order. your holiday party success.
plantains can be called a superfood! Of course, you can cancel anytime, but with Are you looking for a great Gluten Free
CONGO offers a 12-pack including Garlic their 30-day risk free guarantee, we know option to offer at the table? The Biscotti
Flavored, Salted, and Ripened. These snacks you won’t have to! Company offers its signature delights in
are imported from Ecuador and make the RELEVATE fills the gaps between what Gluten Free Chocolate Almond, Double
perfect accompaniment to your daily nutri- most people eat and the diets proven to be Chocolate, and Classic Almond. Our go-to
tion. healthiest for your brain. RELEVATE is the flavor is the Chocolate Almond which fea-
If you are looking for a sweeter snack, first and ONLY nutritional supplement based tures whole roasted almonds and Belgium
CONGO’s line of Dark Chocolate makes an ex- on the Mediterranean and MIND (Mediter- chocolate chunks atop a deep amaretto and
cellent late-night dessert choice, or pair a few ranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegen- almond base with a hint of sea salt to finish
together with a festive ribbon for an impres- erative Delay) dietary patterns, shown to be this handcrafted treat!
sive hostess gift. 70% cocoa and imported the most brain-protective. A growing body Upon your first bite, you will recognize
from Costa Rica, these bars are made from of scientific research shows that nutrition the difference between mass produced
the finest beans the region has to offer. plays a role in the prevention, onset, and cookies and these artisan treats, which come
If you have a friend or family member severity of age-related brain decline and from a recipe that originated over 200 years
who loves exotic fruits, CONGO will be your neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, ago. It all began with the family of Bruno
favorite website to shop. With the most ex- Parkinson’s, and other dementias. NeuroRe- LoGreco. Growing up with his mother and
quisite dragon fruits, passion fruits, mangos, serve applied advanced data analytics to grandmother, Bruno was able to learn how
lychee, and sugar apples (just to name a few), evaluate thousands of world-class dietary to make Biscotti from scratch and eventually
you can make the health nut in your family studies and determined that people who decided to make a few alterations to their
jump for joy and up their juicing game! consume a Mediterranean type diet enjoy a technique to create a crispy and crunchy
To shop the entire Congo offering, visit lifetime of the best brain health. They then biscotti. When the Pandemic hit, Bruno took identified critical nutrient gaps between the time to follow his passion and open "The
these brain-healthy diets and the standard Biscotti Company." It was in its origination
23. NeuroReserve – RELEVATE American diet. that Bruno took the opportunity to comfort
Often, our diets can fall flat in giving us all the Read more on the science behind this others with the recipes he had always loved.
necessary nutrients we require. Core dietary one-of-a-kind supplement at www.Neurore- As COVID-19 overtook New York, Bruno
nutrients for your brain are hard to come by, baked his family's signature Biscotti and
but NeuroReserve’s Relevate can easily solve donated to Stony Brook hospital and Retire-
that problem. 24. The Biscotti Company ment Centers during this time of need.
Relevate provides a gluten, allergen, Growing up in a large Italian family, we Now, you can find "The Biscotti Company"
GMO-free capsule and soft gel regimen that know when we come across "proper" Italian at over 70 stores in Long Island, New York-
is USA-made and third-party tested. These baked goods. The Biscotti Company's line but lucky for us San Diego women, you can
supplements were produced based on of Biscotti is the real deal! Offered in myriad also order online 24/7 at www.TheBiscotti-
Alzheimer’s research for lasting brain health. flavors, including Chocolate Almond, Dark