Page 40 - San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 40

Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert                                                     HOLIDAY EDITION


        7.  Monita Tequila                     To order your own bottle of Monita   16oz spray bottle with UV protectant — per-
        Nothing turns a gathering into a party like   Tequila, visit Our   fect for auto leather! This makes it the ideal
        a good bottle of tequila. Monita Tequila, a   best recommendation is to snag the 6-bottle   gift for the car enthusiast in your family.
        Black Woman Owned Brand, was founded by   set and be ready for anything this Holiday   To learn more about Leather Honey and
        Serita Braxton. Monita Tequila is named after   season can throw at you! Not to mention, this   their highly rated products, visit www.Leath-
        her late mother- a woman who left a lasting   beautiful beverage makes an unforgettable today.
        impression on everyone she met and could   hostess gift!
        make even the smallest moment memorable.                                 9.  MyMedic
           One of our most memorable family tra-  8.  Leather Honey              Accidents happen, but MyMedic ensures you
        ditions happens every Christmas Eve when   As a first-time homebuyer, I have never taken   are always prepared when the unexpected
        we invite the adults to engage in a cocktail   such pride in my surroundings. When we   occurs. MyMedic offers first aid kits that are
        crafting competition. The winner not only   knew we had the house, we instantly hit   head and shoulders above anything you’d find
        gets to revel in the victory for the year to   the furniture store for the perfect pieces to   at your local retailer. Their MYFAK (My First Aid
        come, but they will also have their cocktail   complete our home. The only thing we didn't   Kit) is a tough and versatile pack filled with
        as the signature drink at our Christmas   think about was how to care for it. Leather   life-saving medical and trauma supplies. The
        dinner. So when we tasted Monita Tequila,   Honey was the answer.        products in this pack will assist with bleed-
        we knew we had a winner on our hands.   Leather Honey Conditioner is a non-toxic   ing, burns, sprains and fractures, and other
        Now, all that was left was what to add to this   leather conditioner formulated to soften,   emergency concerns. Just a few of the useful
        premium spirit.                     protect, and restore all types and colors of   products included are cold packs, saline eye
           To create a drink we knew would win over   leather other than suede. When left untreat-  wash, bandages, pain medications, hydration
        the panel of experts (the most judgmental   ed, leather can become dry and brittle. The   packets, and a thermal insulated blanket. Plus,
        of cousins, siblings, and friends, that is), we   Leather Honey Conditioner formula protects   a downloadable survival guide that leads you
        decided on a Blood Orange Margarita. Using   and restores leather, extending the life of   through instructions that can save your life.
        fresh blood orange juice, lime juice, triple   your favorite items. It's also the best leather   The MYFAK is a great gift idea for the
        sec, ice, and Monita Tequila, we were able to   conditioner for car seats, couches, furniture,   adventurer and practical recipient alike. It is
        obliterate the competition and gain eternal   wallets, handbags, boots, jackets, and more.   perfect for the hiker, mountain climber, or
        glory… well, praise from the people we love   Known as the number one best-selling leath-  BMX enthusiast to keep in their car, as well as
        most for a few days.                er care on Amazon, this honey provides six   the average joe who wants to be prepared.
           In the spirit of Monita, the brand has been   months of leather protection.   You can choose from a variety of colors and
        designed to be the perfect complement to all   To remove grit and grime and deep clean   sizes at MyMedic to customize your needs.
        of life's moments. So whether you're making   leather furniture, leather car seats, or your   MyMedic supplies is a great investment
        meaningful memories with those you love   favorite leather jacket, try Leather Honey   that you will not regret. To view their entire
        or want to celebrate an unforgettable major   Cleaner. Their non-toxic formula cleaner   collection of kits, packs, and medical supplies,
        milestone, Monita's custom Blanco profile of   makes Leather Honey the best leather   visit
        100% agave tequila has a smooth taste that's   cleaner to keep your favorite leather items
        perfect to sip chilled or pair with your favorite   looking new and refreshed. Available in three   10. Ciruelax Prunelax
        cocktail. Distilled in Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico,   formulations: A 4oz concentrate that makes   Bloating, cramps, and pain are just the begin-
        by Tequila Mexico Spirits, the quality of this   32 ounces once diluted, an 8oz ready-to-use   ning when constipation hits. We often ignore
        tequila is apparent upon the first sip.   version that does not require dilution, and a   signs of distress because we do not want to

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