Page 41 - San Diego Woman Magazine
P. 41
HOLIDAY EDITION by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
be bothered by the harsh side effects of over- desire to help people better their lives. Gavin is upheld by the principle that they should
the-counter laxative options. Now, we do not was driven, no pun intended, to develop a make clothing that aligns with ahimsa, or
have to ignore our pain thanks to Ciruelax’s treatment for his ongoing issue that began non-violence to us, our fellow humans,
Prunelax. as heartburn but became an acid reflux animals, and the planet. Purusha People
Prunelax comes in multiple forms, includ- problem. When conventional medicine in believes in creations that are sustainable,
ing gummies, tablets, tea bags, and jam. Yes, the form of proton pump inhibitors failed ethical, and inclusive.
jam! Prunelax jam is a practical and effective him, Brett suggested Manuka honey might The principles of the brand are upstand-
natural-origin laxative that contains plum be a solution. This was the beginning of the ing, but so are the fashions. When we first
and apple pulp, flaxseed, and honey. After ManukaGuard journey and the many hours glanced at the pieces from Purusha People,
taking one spoonful at night, between 8 and of research and development that went into we instantly knew these items would become
12 hours, it produces relief from constipation. their product line. staples in our own wardrobe. The Celestial
This is the answer for those who have consis- ManukaGuard is truly about helping you Sea Top is the perfect top for any coastal
tent issues with constipation. and your family experience health and well- yoga session. Its blue and white dyed fabric
Another great option from Ciruelax is ness. Their product line was developed with evokes oceanic vibes, and the cut is flattering
their Prunelax Gummies. Made from senna your health in mind. You can rest assured that to all body types with its wide-cut straps
leaf and fruit extract, this vegan and glu- ManukaGuard products will always contain and double-layered support. Trust us when
ten-free formula is perfectly blended to offer high-quality, certified ingredients that we give we say, you can get the support you need
a gentle and effective solution in 8-12 hours. to our own families. They take the words nature without wearing a bra! The fabric is of the ut-
It’s also easy to stomach with its delightful and natural to heart, with products free from most quality and consists of 92% forest fiber
sweet gummy flavor from berries and plums. artificial flavors and colors, synthetic ingredi- from acacia, eucalyptus, poplar, pine, spruce,
Ages 4 years and up can find relief with ents, drugs, GMOs, pesticides, and alcohol. beech, birch, and maple trees grown on tree
Prunelax, so it’s perfect for keeping on hand Our favorite product in the ManukaGuard farms in Eastern Europe, and 8% spandex for
when the moment calls for kids or spouses. line is their ImmuneGuard Nasal Spray. This stretch.
You can shop all the Prunelax options on- spray cleanses and moisturizes your nasal We are obsessing over the Celestial Sea
line at or use their store and sinus passages with 30% Medical Grade Genie Pants to complete the outfit. These
finder to find a retail location near you. Manuka honey MGO 600. The fine mist creat- pants have a gorgeous cut which is high-waist-
ed by this spray is a great proactive measure ed, cuffs at the ankles and offers a wide leg
11. ManukaGuard Nasal Spray for batting cold and flu season. throughout. The luxurious fabric synonymous
As the weather cools down, our sinuses can To learn more about this upstanding with Purusha People is also present in this
flare up. So when we came across Manuk- company and its premium Manuka Honey piece. It consists of 92% forest fiber from
aGuard Nasal Spray, we were impressed by products line, visit acacia, eucalyptus, poplar, pine, spruce, beech,
the natural and homeopathic solution to our birch, and maple trees grown on tree farms in
common problem. Committed to provid- Eastern Europe and 8% spandex for stretch.
ing the consumer with the highest quality 12. Purusha People Beyond the fit and fabric, these fashions will
natural alternatives to conventional personal Purusha is a Sanskrit word that literally become everyday favorites for their flexibility
care products at an affordable price, Manuk- means man and philosophically means the from a workout to a day out.
aGuard has harnessed the science of honey. soul or breath of the cosmos. Such a monu- To learn more about the brand and how
Founded by lifelong friends Gavin Gear mental brand name is only followed by an you can grab a piece in time for the new year,
and Brett Edmonds, they were united in their equally impressive collection. The collection visit