P. 58

WHA T  I  REALL Y   W ANT  IS . . .

                                                            By Debbie Storms
                                                  The Good Life

                              ust because the train is     I have come to believe this is   My temperature headed to 98.6
                            pulling out of the station that   the best way for me to live. It took   as I focused on myself and not on
                         J   es not mean you have to   a while but as I was being kind to   everyone else in an unhealthy way.
                        get on it. The train is a metaphor   myself, I was able to be kinder to   Setting boundaries, not walls. Walls
                        for people, places, and situations   others. Simply put if you don’t have   shut people out and boundaries
                        that do not serve me in the way I   it you can't give it away. That is, I   strengthen the core of my being as
                        deserve to be treated. Yes, that ask   can't give you something I don’t   I see who I am.  The healing will
                        can be a tall order when living life   have. If you ask to borrow a dollar   begin when you practice being
                        on life's terms and taking everyone   and I don’t have one I cannot give it  kind to yourself and acting in kind-
                        else's temperature to find out how I   to you.  So let it begin with me.   ness to others.
                        feel.  Sound confusing? In reality, it   My story has been built on a   The law of nature is the way
                        is more than confusing; it is living   belief system that no longer serves   I am guided. Nature is real and
                        each day not practicing self-care.   me. It took years and years to   beautiful. The law of nature brings
                        Taking care of yourself is an inside   build and I have gently practiced   the tides in and the tides out. The
                        job and takes a lot of checking in   rebuilding it. Once I started to   sea reflects the sky and reacts to the
                        and asking yourself how you feel   feel serenity in my life, I found I   gravitational pull of the moon and
                        and taking your own temperature.   was looking for more. This meant   sun. The tides help detox the sea.
                        That’s a lot to think about and may   I needed to do an inventory of   Just like the sea we have people that
                        be foreign to enablers like me.  No   myself. Where was I accepting un-  are moons and suns in our lives.
                        one says this happens overnight, it   acceptable behavior? Was I living   The moons draw on us and the
                        is truly a process and learning to be   without boundaries? What I allow   suns give to us. My job is to flow
                        kind to yourself.              I teach and I have given others   with the tide and let nature take its
                                                       permission to treat me poorly by   course and gravitate to the people
                                                       not speaking my truth. In time   that bring goodness and light into
                                                       the only way I reacted was with   my life.
                                                       anger and not having emotional    Does this mean you will live
                                                       maturity. Accepting blame from   happily ever after? Let mother
                                                       others, spinning into a downward   nature take its course in your sea of
                                                       spiral, and not practicing self-care.   life one day at a time with self-care
                                                       There was no way that was going   and kindness. Now you are on your
                                                       to continue happening. At the   way.
                                                       end of the day, I had to live with   Pura Vida!
                                                       my own unacceptable behavior
                                                       and the emotional cycle of anger,   Let me know what you really want
                                                       blame, shame, and guilt was set in
                                                       motion. Living like this was not
                                                       bringing happiness into my life,
                                                       only darkness and discomfort.

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