P. 53
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
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cial Cleansing Brush” is the perfect addition. include their signature flavors, Guava you have all the necessities for keeping your
This innovative, no-fuss, at-home, ultrasonic Rose, Peach Ginger, and Turmeric Pear. To home clean and your family safe!
facial cleansing brush will travel with you no experience all the best flavors, “Wildwonder” Visit to
matter where you go. Completely trans- offers a Cocktail Mixer Set that is great for view these and more items that are going to
form the way you clean your skin, with over entertaining or the perfect gift for family change the way you think about clean.
10,000 ultrasonic pulsations per minute and and friends!
circulating magnetic beads, Petal 2 pene- Visit to 24. ORGA FOODS
trates deep into your pores while simulta- view the entire line of offerings today! Orga Foods began when the founders were
neously massaging your skin, so you can tasked with finding a healthy snack for their
experience your deepest and most revitaliz- 23. MOM REMEDY diabetic bestie. With an idea to create fiber
ing clean ever. Whenever. Looking for a safe, non-toxic, cleaning full “super crisps” in their home kitchen, they
Oh, and did we forget to mention they are product that’s safe to use around your family baked and delivered these treats to their
currently offering FREE SHIPPING WORLD- and pets? Meet Mom Remedy. Tough on all friend who raved, not only about the flavor,
WIDE??! Take advantage of this amazing deal, things around the house, the Mom Remedy but how the high levels of fiber helped to
and view all of their life changing beauty tools formula melts grime, grease, and dirt and the tame her blood sugar and control her dia-
by visiting hydrogen peroxide lifts the mess to be wiped betes. This groundbreaking discovery made
away with ease. Perfect for ANY surface, them realize they must produce the “super
22. WILDWONDER you can rest assured that if you’ve got a crisps” for more people to experience… and
When walking through the supermarket, it stain, Mom Remedy is coming to the rescue. so, Orga Foods was born.
is easy to be distracted by colorful cans and Made in the USA and free of added dyes and Orga Foods crackers use a base of only
bottles that promise delicious flavors, but in fragrances, this company goes above and be- 5 Organic Superfood Ingredients including;
reality, do very little to support your health yond in their dedication to natural cleaning. Chia Seeds, Flax Seeds, Sunflower Seeds,
and wellness. That’s why we were overjoyed Their Eco-Friendly, biodegradable, and Sesame Seeds, and Pumpkin Seeds. They are
when we came across “Wildwonder” drinks. sulfate free formula is made with just four plant-based, certified vegan, paleo, gluten
“Wildwonder” is infused with live vegan ingredients. This “safe for the entire family” free, kosher and Non-GMO without oil or
probiotics and prebiotic plant fibers, and formula comes in both a spray and wipe. refined sugar. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins
it provides an immune boost. Inspired by The spray is perfect for cleaning at home, and omega fatty acids, and high in protein,
the Chinese healing tonics of founder Rosa and their travel version is ideal for sticking in its hard to find another snack that even
Li’s childhood, “Wildwonder” pairs ancient your baby bag or purse. The Mom Remedy compares. Most importantly, Orga snacks
nutrition with a modern taste and uplift- wipes are an essential in our home. These will never compromise in amazing taste and
ing bubbles. All the ingredients within the super thick and durable all-purpose clean- quality! You'll have trouble switching back to
beverage are sourced from sustainable and ing wipes make kitchen clean up a breeze. other crackers after eating Orga Snacks.
organic farms and they aid in digestion, Our recommendation is to go for the The signature Super Crisps come in a
reduce inflammation, and prevent disease. “Hydrogen Peroxide Based Eco-Friendly variety of flavors such as Cranberry, Vegan
These consciously crafted concoctions Everything Household Cleaner & Stain Re- Cheese, Cacao & Coconut, Garlic & Onion,
are made in California and are the perfect mover - Starter Pack”. This Starter Pack offers Spicy BBQ, Original, and Spirulina. You can
holistic way to embrace your sober lifestyle a large 64-ounce refill bottle, 24-ounce even order the variety pack direct on https://
or pair with liquor to up your home-made spray bottle, a 4-ounce travel size bottle, so you can sample all
cocktail game. The best cocktail mixers and a microfiber cloth. Throw in wipes, and 7 flavors for yourself and find your favorite!