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Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
Whether it is immune support, men- optimal environment for the healing of minor impress, but Good Mylk Co. Creamers are
strual pain relief, stress relief, or an acne wounds and provides long-lasting infection also certified Oregon Kosher. Whether you
remedy, Balance Blends has your back. protection while working to immediately choose the Super Oat or Almond Cream-
For their entire collection of quality herbal reduce pain and minimize scarring long-term. er, you will be met with incredible frothy
blends, visit Additional offerings from First Honey morning lattes and an excellent addition to
include their Foot Rescue Cream and Immu- your post-workout smoothie. Simply add
19. FIRST HONEY nity Boosting Honey supplement, as well as two tablespoons to your coffee, smoothie,
The Co-Founder of First Honey, Sarah Scar- essential bandage sets for easy travel. Visit or favorite beverage and experience the
let, has been passionate about bees since now to see how perfect combo of health and taste!
she can remember. Her entire family has run sweet naturally healing can be! To shop the entire line of Good Mylk
the beekeeping operation in New Zealand Co. products, which also includes instant
for ages and their dedication to providing 20. GOOD MYLK CO. options such as ceremonial matcha lattes,
products with genuine Manuka honey is Upgrade your morning ritual with plant- visit today!
unparalleled. based activated creamers. With plant-based
When you visit the website at FirstHoney. products being very popular in today’s 21. ROSE SKIN CO.
com, you’ll be met with an array of clinically marketplace, owner Brooke Rewa saw a long Living in Southern California means being
proven medical grade honey healing prod- list of binders, thickeners, emulsifiers, and bikini ready every day of the year! Rose Skin
ucts. First Honey is known for being a trusted, preservatives deemed “nutritious” that were Co. makes that task much simpler with their
non-toxic alternative to antibiotic ointments not ideal. She wanted to create a product “IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset”. The “IPL
and products filled with harmful chemicals. that was legitimately GOOD for her body, Laser Hair Removal Handset” is a fashion-
The focus is to provide the highest quality without all the mysterious add-in ingredi- able pink or pearl white handset that utilizes
Manuka honey from the family-owned ents. It was from this idea, that Good Mylk clinical-grade technology that is certified for
honey forests and create innovative product Co. was born. Good Mylk Co. brings real food safe and effective home hair removal use
formulations that utilize the substance’s ingredients to the forefront, and includes at a fraction of the cost of a laser treatment.
world-famous healing properties. ingredients that promote your health first. This tool can be used on any body part
Our favorite products include First Honey These healthful ingredients include Reishi, including the face and bikini area. There is
Manuka Bandages, Dressings, and Ointments. Lion’s Mane, Astragalus, and Tocotrienols. no hidden cost or refills you will need to
The bandages and dressings have a layer Reishi is known as the “immortal mush- buy … ever! In only 30 minutes, you can
of Manuka honey right in the pad that is room” and helps to enhance your immune complete your entire body and the tool lasts
certified 12+ for potency. The adhesive used system. Lion’s Mane is great for reducing anx- for 300,000 flashes which is a TEN-YEAR lifes-
is also skin friendly for a pain free removal iety and may protect against common symp- pan. The “IPL Laser Hair Removal Handset” is
and naturally non-toxic. These bandages toms of dementia. Astragalus is a plant that pain free, safe, and gentle and begins reduc-
and dressings also promote a moist, low pH also supports the immune system and helps ing hair growth from the first use. In just 3
environment which supports new tissue for- with upper respiratory infections. Tocotrien- weeks, you’ll experience long lasting visible
mation and assists with speeding up wound ols are antioxidants that may help reverse or results. With a 100% money back guarantee
healing. The Ointment is 100% active lepto- slow skin damage due to free radicals. in the first 90 days, you will have no regrets
spermum medical grade Manuka honey and These high-quality ingredients are a lev- investing in this beauty necessity!
the perfect treatment for scrapes and burns. el above any creamer you will find in your If you are looking to round out your
This sterile easy-to-apply ointment creates an local grocer. Not only do the ingredients beauty regimen, their “Petal 2: Ultrasonic Fa-