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by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds



           You can say goodbye to low-quality Wi-  Dr. Mathieu Glassman, VMD & DACVS, has   discreetly. Yes, believe it. Every stylish bag
        Fi with the dock which helps connect you   a background in holistic medicine and was   can hold 2 bottles of wine and the fash-
        to Gigabit Ethernet with its accessible port.   able to ensure that each product went   ion-forward designs will make you forget
        Plus, whether you have a Mac, PC, iPad or   above and beyond in utilizing its ingredi-  its utilitarian purpose. Not only do you
        phone, you can utilize the power of the   ents to benefit the care of your fur-baby.   have the convenience of having a bever-
        OWC Travel Dock. Through its integrated   Now, lets discuss the products. Our best  age with you wherever you go, but you
        USB-C connecting cable, the compact Trav-  recommendation is to go with the Groom-  will also save a ton of money by bringing
        el Dock E lets you transform any location—  ing Duo Kit. This kit includes the “Pawfect   your own! Made of stunning vegan leather,
        be it a studio, classroom, boardroom, or   Gloss Pet Bubble Shampoo” and “Everyday   these wine purses keep your beverag-
        coffee shop—into a mobile office.   Foaming Dry Shampoo” in a beautiful gift   es chilled and hidden. Numerous color
           Since my work is now remote, I know   box. With scents of Gerbera daisy, star   options give you the ability customize your
        I definitely appreciate having the OWC   fruit, hemp, and yuzu; this dog shampoo is   look, and with a variety of styles, you can
        Dock with me at all times. Not only do I   unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.   go from a large tote to a medium shoulder
        feel much more confident that I can share   The powerful combination of organic aloe   bag and still have the comfort of your wine
        the information I need at the drop of a hat,   vera and Vitamin E in the dry shampoo   with you.
        but I also know that my devices will stay   nourishes sensitive skin, while the natural   Looking for a more durable option
        charged and allow me to work at a speed   scent of the bubble shampoo leaves your   you can take to the beach? Porto Vino
        previously unheard of before.       pet smelling fresh all day. These products   also makes a tote bag with adorable rope
           For more information and to buy your   are also suitable for dogs or cats. Pair the   handles in a variety of shades including
        own, visit  Grooming Duo Kit with their “Furtastic Pet   nautical stripes and American flag prints.
        shop/owc-usb-c-travel-dock-e        Brush” to up the ante in your pet’s skincare   There is even a tote that’s perfect for the
                                            routine.                             office with a beautiful Hibiscus floral print,
        6.  DR. CUDDLES                        Another standout product is the “Shiny   metal nameplate, and vegan leather han-
        You have never met a more pet-obsessed   Teeth Dental Spray”. This unique formu-  dles. Ready to bring the party to your next
        person than myself so when I tell you   la does not require a toothbrush to be   event? Try the “Swanky” design. “Swanky”
        how excited I was to receive “Dr. Cuddles”   effective; simply spray and go! With scents   holds up to 4 bottles of wine and has a
        products, believe me. “Dr. Cuddles” is a   of mint and passionfruit, freshen your   trendy Bohemian cut with everything from
        company with the core belief that our pets   pups breath while neutralizing bacteria   camo to geometric prints.
        are our family, and they should be treated   that soothes common gum and mouth   If you are looking for the perfect gift
        as such. Each of their products is all-natu-  irritations.               for your gal pal, the Porto Vino Gift Bundles
        ral, medicated, and performance driven;   To spoil your pup, visit https://drcud-  are it. The signature bundles include a
        yet incredibly easy to incorporate into your and view the entire collection of   purse of your choosing, 2 Flexy Silicone
        daily routine.                      pet care products.                   wine cups, and 3 Refill Pouches for your
           Alice Sha, the CEO & Founder of Dr.                                   beverage. The price is also a steal with gift
        Cuddles, is dedicated to creating hu-  7.  PORTO VINO                    packages starting at $82.
        man-grade products that have a modern   Wine purse. Ready to hear more? Us too.   To take a look at all of the designs, and
        design for your pooch. The grooming    Porto Vino has come up with an    see for yourself the brilliant construction of
        products even have the care and attention   ingenious design which carries your wine,   these unique bags, visit https://porto-vi-
        of a certified veterinarian behind them.    or any beverage you choose, with you
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