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by Jaime V. Habert                                                                 Fabulous Finds




        Pro can be your equipment source. Once   of time, we are pretty sure you’ll be able to   impressive with everything they don’t con-
        you visit their online retail store, you will   fit all your favorites. The uploading process   tain, but because of all the things they do
        find yourself immersed in the best fitness   is simple and can be done via your phone   contain! Earth Baby products are hypoaller-
        equipment you could find, along with re-  from their app, or traditionally using your   genic and essential oils are added to give
        covery tools you’ll pat yourself on the back   computer and their main website. Now   them their beautiful scents. Now for the
        for buying!                         offering Facebook and Instagram merging   final kicker… they are ALL Reef Friendly.
           Visit their site today at: https://lifeprof-  capabilities, Heirloom makes sure you can   Yup, now not only is baby benefiting from                         easily include all your media.       this product choice, but our oceans as well!
                                               To get started on creating your own   To view the entire line of Earth Baby
        11. HEIRLOOM VIDEO BOOKS            Heirloom Video Book, visit https://send-  products and learn more about the history
        The hardest part of our past year has been today!        behind this woman owned business which
        being disconnected from family members.                                  began when a dedicated Grandmother
        Its one thing to call your grandmother   12. EARTH BABY                  wanted the best for her grandkids; visit
        and tell her about the grandkid’s day at   Earth Baby has answered all our prayers by
        summer camp, its another thing to SHOW   creating eco-friendly, child-safe Organic
        her. With Heirloom Video Books, you can   and Non-Toxic products we can’t live with-  13. LOLA’S FINE HOT SAUCE
        immerse your family members in the lives   out! As moms, we try our best to always   Lola’s Fine Hot Sauce gained national no-
        of their loved ones. Creating a video book   be prepared for anything, but when you   toriety by their appearance on Shark Tank
        is as simple as the push of a button. By   are left to take care of the home, and the   when they were recognized by Daymond
        going onto the website,  kids, its only normal that some necessities   John. The company, which has the mission
        you can simply upload up to 10 minutes of   get left behind when packing your diaper   of providing a truly unique hot sauce for
        videos to the book, and the software does   bag or play tote. Earth Baby has made   everyone to enjoy, began as the brainchild
        the rest! Then pick your recipient, and your   child-prep simple by creating Earth Baby   of “Lola”, a grandmother with a passion for
        Heirloom Video Book will be created in 48   Kits. These kits include quality products   food. Growing up in the Philippines, Lola
        hours and arrive within 5 days. A beautiful,   we all need when on the go with our little   used several varieties of garlic and peppers
        themed cover of your choosing greets your   ones. Their signature On-The-Go Kit comes   to create her sauce. When her grandchil-
        loved one and the minute they open the   in an Organic pouch and features; Broad   dren came across her recipes, they knew
        cover, the video begins. The books have 5”   Spectrum SPF 30+ Sunscreen, Diaper Rash   they had found something special. Lola’s
        HD screens and come in 9 different styles,   Cream, Hand Sanitizer Gel, and Aromather-  offers many different flavors so everyone
        making it not only impressive, but super   apy Calming Mist. All the products are Cer-  from the highest spice tolerance to the
        simple for anyone to view and enjoy.   tified Organic and Natural with no animal   lowest can experience the sauces she
           These one-of-a-kind video books   derived ingredients or animal testing. Earth   has created. Lola’s doesn’t want to “melt
        are perfect for any and every occasion.   Baby products have all been Dermatologist   your face off” but present a well-rounded
        Featured on numerous television programs   and Pediatrician tested and are FREE of:   flavorful hot sauce that can be paired with
        from the Today Show to CNN, this gift is one  Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, Formalde-  any foods.
        that will impress. If you are in a rush, they   hyde, Mineral Oil, Propylene glycol, DEA,   Not only does Lola’s stand out for the
        offer a 2-day shipping upgrade for an accel-  MEA, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Triethanol-  fact that it is a family owned and wom-
        erated process. The hardest part is choosing  amine, Petrolatum, and Lanolin.  an-run business, but it is truly unique in its
        which videos to share; but with 10 minutes   Not only are these baby products   dedication to quality. When the company
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