P. 51
by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
17 18
16. MARIA VICTORIA to make your towel a fashion-forward If all of these amazing options have you
Summer has finally arrived and oh are we accessory! exhausted from hitting “add to cart”, we
ready to enjoy it! With a year of pent up See the entire collection, and all the bag apologize, but, we have to mention just one
Summer energy upon us, we are amped for styles available, online now at https://www. more thing… Hot Chocolate. SkinnyMe has
the opportunity to sport our most fabulous! just released a line of premium hot cocoa in
pieces to the beach and blessed beyond Marshmallow Roast, Cinnamon Swirl, Vanilla
measure that we came across Maria Victoria 17. SKINNYME CHOCOLATE Bean, and Double Chocolate. Imagine snug-
just in time. Maria Victoria is a stunning col- All of us struggle with balancing a healthy gling up in front of the fireplace this season
lection of handwoven and recyclable plastic diet with our desires for sweets, so when without worrying about your waistline. That
handbags and accessories that bring life to SkinnyMe Chocolate was presented to us, we is truly a gift.
your day to day. were skeptical. A chocolate bar that boasts To view all of these options for yourself,
Maria Victoria features Eco-friendly, flavors like Birthday Cake and yet only has visit
uniquely crafted, and handmade acces- 45-50 calories per serving… is this even pos- … but fair warning, don’t do it hungry!
sories by Mexican Artisans. From totes sible? Well, I’m ecstatic to share that it is!
perfect for everyday and beach excursions SkinnyMe Chocolate comes in a variety 18. BALANCE BLENDS
to backpacks that can go from day to night, of flavors and types. The classic bars are It’s time to transform your life from within
these pieces are one-of-a-kind. New for available in Bold Dark, Banana Split, Almond with plant medicine! Balance Blends is an
Summer, the “Tamayo Tall” totes can fit all Brownie, Exotic Sea Salt, Toasted Coconut, outstanding company that combines mind
your essentials and feature incredible color Birthday Cake, Creamy Milk, Mint Chip Ice and body renewal in the form of the best
combinations that work with any outfit. Cream, Candy Apple, and Hot Cinnamon. If supplement ingredients. With your specific
Another one of our favorite styles is you are looking for a portable and calo- blend, you can combat your common
the Hortencia backpack. With a glamorous rie-controlled option, the chocolate squares health concerns in a natural way. Stress,
structure, variety of color options, and will be your go to sweet. These squares are Sleep deprivation, body aches, and more
braided PVC material, this backpack will be the ideal accompaniment to your lunch bag can be holistically treated with multiple
the envy of all your girlfriends. If you’ve ever and come in an assortment of flavors in- herbs blended into one supplement.
tried to manage kids and pets on a day out, cluding Powdered Donut, Blueberry Muffin, Our favorite products from Balance
you’ll want to have both hands at your dis- and Strawberry Jam. If you are searching for Blends are Quiet Please and Just Breathe.
posal and a backpack is the answer to that! a healthier way to bake your own delectable Quiet Please is the answer to your sleepless
If you can’t get enough of the vibrant delights, opt for the SkinnyMe Baking Melts. nights. A natural sleep aid, Quiet Please will
colors of Maria Victoria designs, take a These Stevia sweetened morsels come in keep your mind from racing and promote
glance at their caps. These sporty hats are Vanilla Bean, Dark Chocolate, Milk Choco- deep, restful sleep. Combining a balanced
the ideal way to express athleisure fashion late, and Cinnamon Burst. blend of herbal extracts and L-Theanine
at its finest. With a little heart emblem and Looking to up the ante on your dessert helps to silence your mind and nourish
unique cross-stitching, these will garner game? Go for the SkinnyMe line of Peanut your blood, all in a vegetarian capsule. Just
a lot of attention on the tennis court or in Butter Cups. Yup, you heard right. Delicious Breathe is a mood enhancer and stress re-
the gym. If you want to be fabulous from healthy peanut butter cups in flavors such lease formula. This concentrated formula of
head to toe, don’t forget to add in a Maria as Milk and Dark Chocolate, Caribbean Chinese Herbs and Herbal Extracts brings
Victoria towel and sandals before checking Coconut, and Cinnamon Raisin, that are healing and lightly sedates to provide
out. That’s right- they even found a way gluten-free and keto friendly! tension relief.