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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert

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        began, its presence at farmers markets   nutrient dense wellness while promoting   her kids. All of “Kaylee’s Culture” products
        would cause a stir and the crowds would   sustainability and activity.” With Fetching   are 100% Organic, Non-GMO, and Kosher,
        snatch up every bottle – resulting in sell   Fields, David did just that. The company’s   with no added sugar, preservatives, or
        outs which brought devoted customers   name comes from his love of escaping the   artificial ingredients. The pure ingredients
        back every week.                    city to play with his pup in the fields where   of Kaylee’s Culture can be read right on the
           With a newly expanded shop, Lola’s   they both could recuperate from the stress   label and allow every parent to provide
        now offers Seasonings, Salsas, and even   of day to day life. With a reverence for na-  their child with the probiotics they com-
        Bloody Mary Mixes – plus, fashionable   ture, respect for animals, and appreciation   monly miss from consuming sugary juice
        t-shirts to show your hot sauce pride!  for form, Fetching Fields aims to give your   drinks. Probiotics are known for supporting
           Visit https://www.lolasfinehotsauce.  pets well-rounded lives that start with their   gut health which in turn increases their
        com/ to get your bottles delivered direct to   nutrition.                immune system functionality and supports
        your doorstep today.                   The product line from Fetching Fields   healthy living.
                                            includes breakable soft treat bars that are   McLaughlin’s passion for living a
        14. FETCHING FIELDS                 Non-GMO, Gluten Free, and Kosher. “Sit,   healthy lifestyle was only amplified by
        By now, if you’ve read enough of these   Stay” is the name of their Certified Organic   having her first child. Seeing the scarcity
        fabulous finds, you have deduced that I am   bar which features a combo of Peanut   of healthy children’s products, she began
        minorly obsessed with my pup so when I   Butter, Honey, Carrots, and Sweet Potatoes.   experimenting in her own home kitchen;
        mention a pet food company, it must be   A pack contains 10 individually wrapped   making kombucha, water kefir, baby food
        superior to others. Fetching Fields is that   bars that are ideal for sticking them in your   and formula. When her second child ar-
        company. With human grade, plant-based,   purse of bringing them anywhere you   rived, McLaughlin found herself with even
        certified organic ingredients, Fetching   must go!                       less time to experiment and was searching
        Fields has nothing to hide when it comes   Another favorite of our fur-babies is   the grocery stores for ready to drink prod-
        to their recipes. Making quality-driven,   the “On Vacay” Certified Organic bar which   ucts that could give her kids the proper
        ethical, and mindful pet products, that pro-  includes Peanut Butter, Honey, Bananas,   nutrition they deserved. With no tangible
        mote wellness and activity, Fetching Fields   Pineapples, and Strawberries. Like all of the   options in site that were kid-friendly,
        offers treats that keep your pup happy and   treats from Fetching Fields, these are also   Kaylee had to buy expensive adult kombu-
        healthy.                            Kosher, Non-GMO, and Gluten Free. If you   cha beverages to meet her needs. It was
           The creator of Fetching Fields started   are looking to spoil your furry friends even   then that she realized that over decades of
        the company when he noticed a lack in   further, they carry designer bowls and   growth had happened to expand nutri-
        the industry of organizations which valued   mats to glam up any home.   tional options for adults in the beverage
        social responsibility and organic ingredi-  Shop the entire product line now at   business, but very little was done for her
        ents. Wanting to provide his pet with the and give your   children. It was out of this realization that
        same lifestyle he afforded himself, David   fur-child the nutrition they deserve!   Kaylee’s Culture became what it is today.
        Magruder, began a journey to recapture                                     You can shop online at https://www.
        joy, health, and freedom for his furry friend.  15. KAYLEE’S CULTURE to have a variety pack
           Magruder states, “I was looking for   When mother of three and military wife,   sent directly to your doorstep or use their
        an alternative to the mass produced,   Kaylee McLaughlin began this bubbly pro-  “Where to Buy” tab to find a retailer near
        animal-protein heavy products. Some-  biotic water company, she was set on pro-  you which carries this amazing innovation
        thing that incorporated real plant-based,   viding a healthy juice box alternative for   in children’s nutrition.
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