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by Jaime V. Habert Fabulous Finds
1. THE HIP HOOK at $40 off retail. Now at just $149, you can gives your beard a light hold for a nour-
With our lifestyles completely different take yours home today by visiting: https:// ished and healthy appearance.
than they were years ago, many of us are If you need a great gift for your loved
finding ourselves dealing with unfamiliar one, visit
pain in our muscles. Sitting at a desk to 2. HANK SKINCARE to see the entire line for yourself and read
stare at our computer screens, or on the Ever notice how men get the short end of more about the benefits of investing in
couch to watch tv, can cause back and the stick when it comes to skincare? Well, quality botanical skincare.
neck pain that needs relief. If you are “Hank” is here to fix that. With a goal of
looking for a way to release your muscle creating products full of floral and natural 3. FLOUR AND BRANCH
pain without using pharmaceuticals or ingredients instead of toxins, “Hank” There are few things in this world more
expensive remedies, look no further than introduces botanicals and their power satisfying than a rich decadent dessert
“The Hip Hook” by Aletha Health. “The Hip into the lives of men. The science behind after a long day at work. Flour & Branch,
Hook” is a unique tool designed to spe- plant molecules in skin care products is a woman-owned business we can’t get
cifically release tension in the psoas and vast. “Hank” knows, an understanding of enough of, has made this act into an art.
iliacus muscles. These muscles are the ones the complex relationship between our Baker and Owner, Lauren, offers wonder-
generally responsible for ailments and pain skin and plants is essential for optimum fully balanced creations, with an emphasis
in areas such as lower back, hips, tailbone, health and vitality. This whole body, on natural, organic, and sustainable ingre-
knees, and feet. whole mind approach to skincare is what dients, whole grains, and artisan flavorings
Designed by a licensed physical makes “Hank” stand out amongst a sea of of the highest quality.
therapist, “The Hip Hook” targets tightness products on the market. Not only do you experience the release
at the core of the hip flexor and quickly Crafted in Denver, Colorado, these of a stressful day when you bit into these
reduces the strain. For the cost of one products are of premium quality and cookies, but the recipes created by Flour
physical therapy appointment, you can features a line which includes Facial oils, & Branch bring you back to a time where
have this tool and the soothing relief it pro- shaving aids, cleansers, and more. Our fa- your only concern was which backyard
vides at your fingertips day and night. Not vorite is the “Hank Bhang Facial Treatment” pool party you were attending, or when
to mention, this tool is easily transportable which helps combat stress-induced effects that recess bell would hit. Yes, these
for any work or leisure trips you may take. on the skin. If your hubby battles dry skin, desserts are that powerful. This incredible
If you’ve ever sat in a car or airplane seat redness, or inflammation, this serum is bakery strives to evoke those perfect child-
for hours on end, you wont regret bringing the answer. The natural plant compounds hood memories and combine them with
this hook along to help you get through protect against free radicals created by grown-up sensibilities, refined techniques,
the workday or family outing. the environment and daily living. Another and carefully selected ingredients to deliv-
Since we found out about “The Hip standout product from their line is the er unique and delicious experiences right
Hook”, we had to share it with all of you. “Hank Shield Beard Balm”. This “Beard Balm” to your door.
Personally, working from home, I have nev- is a multi-purpose hair and beard all in Oh, that’s right ladies… RIGHT. TO.
er seen such an instant relief in my back one treatment. Containing the antibacte- YOUR. DOOR. With Goldbelly shipping,
and neck pain than when I use this product rial benefits of both Palo Santo and New Flour & Branch can bring Peanut Butter
on the daily. To help make it even easier Caledonia Sandalwood to assist in keeping and Jelly stuffed cookies to your home; no
to experience the relief that we have felt, facial hair in perfect balance, it is ideal for matter where you live. Now let’s talk about
Aletha is pricing this breakthrough product keeping hair smooth and hydrated. SHIELD our favorite items they have available…