P. 46
Fabulous Finds by Jaime V. Habert
First, the cookie selection. From Nutella jewelry, accessories, home goods, ceram- “When you partner with us, you help
to Birthday cake, the flavors are plentiful; ics, artwork, exotic spices, and more. give hope and sustainability to men and
however, the standout in our opinion has Each month your box will include 3 of women coming out of desperate situa-
to be the “The Chipper” – A delightful com- these quality, handmade items, as well as tions. You help give dignity and healing
bination of chocolate chips, espresso, and an information card about the products to souls that may have been harmed by
smores. Another one that knocked it out of and the artisans that made them. Anchor circumstance. You join a movement of
the park… “The Brookie”- An amalgama- of Hope fills their boxes with items hand- change - one artisan, one family, one box
tion of cookie, brownie, and peanut butter made by survivors of human trafficking, at a time.”
cup. refugees, and others in vulnerable situa- To start your subscription, visit https://
Ready to go up to the big leagues? Or- tions. In doing so, the brand gives hope and get
der the “Mashugana Stuffed French Toast”. and dignity to individuals who are working started for only $36.
This French toast is just about the most de- to overcome poverty and injustice that has
licious thing on God’s green earth. Slightly marked their lives. With free shipping and 5. OWC USB-C TRAVEL DOCK
gooey on the inside, crisp on the outside, it a month-to-month no contract service, The amount of cords I have tangled in my
sits in the mouth like a spoonful of magic. you can enjoy these unique pieces and computer bag is unimaginable. Not to
Flour & Branch marinates chocolate babka the empowerment they provide without mention when I must travel or have the
and challah bread in ice cream, stuffs the any commitment. The only decision you desire to hit the local coffee shop to work; I
center with peanut butter chips and cookie have to make is who will get the blessing look more like a Cox cable technician than
butter, and finishes it with a brown sugar of receiving one (it’s okay if it’s just for you, a writer. This realization led me to search
cocoa crumble and a dusting of powdered we wont tell!). for a hub where all my cords can be neatly
sugar. Go ahead and re-read that we will So, I bet you are wondering what connected. The “OWC USB-C Travel Dock”
wait… beautiful human came up with this idea? was the answer. The OWC USB-C Travel
… Her name is Adrienne McCann. Adrienne Dock E reduces the hassle of adapter and
Okay, so I think at this point I’m just was wracking her brain thinking of ways dongle heft, while expanding your connec-
going to drop this here, because now I to best utilize her time when she was hit tivity options with six essential ports.
need a snack… with a profound thought – “I have to be a With 2 USB 3.2 Type-A ports, HDMI 2.0
Visit giver of hope and sustainability.” This belief port, SD card reader, Gigabit Ethernet port,
to view the entire menu and order your led to the creation of “Anchor of Hope”, but and USB-C power pass through, you can
delicacies – Thank us later. it wasn’t achieved alone. Through World easily maximize your mobile connectivity.
Relief Triad, Adrienne was able to meet Charge small devices like Smartwatches,
4. ANCHOR OF HOPE BOX many survivors of human trafficking and earbuds, and smartphones or connect a
If there is one thing we can get behind, refugee men and women - people who portable drive, keyboard or mouse using
it's women supporting and empowering have come to America with amazing gifts this revolutionary travel dock. The OWC
women. The “Anchor of Hope Box” does but not many resources or ways to share Dock also allows for up to 4K resolution
just that. A monthly box of artisan-made them. With the organization and her own via the HDMI 2.0 port for connecting
goods, effects women both locally and church experiences to guide her, Adrienne televisions or projectors. With such big
globally. Packaged by hand, you receive a started a revolutionary business. charging power, you’d be surprised to learn
box of quality products on your doorstep “Anchor of Hope Boxes” has a great the “OWC USB-C Travel Dock” is incredibly
each month which includes a variety of message to take with you; lightweight.