P. 43
Women of Distinction
Science and Spirituality a new beginning, choosing to live from
LOVE, requires courage, faith, and inspira-
tion because a life with purpose is a source
of ideas, so let's live from love-conscious-
By Laura Cisneros ness, we are called to greatness! I remind
Photos courtesy of Laura Cisneros you of an extremely important fact, the
Translation Courtesy of Maggie Ramos earth is made up of three parts of water, our
organism, our brain the same and it has a
IN EVERY HUMAN IMPERFECTION created from love and freedom. And as we powerful memory of abundance, it is the
LIES THE PERFECTION OF GOD! grow, without realizing it, we allow the mind origin of creation! For this reason, freeing
to take absolute control, generated by a and flowing heals those emotions that have
Thank you for stopping in this space, system of old beliefs, imposing norms, such blocked the harmony and synchrony of the
you are already part of my dream! I love as living in competition to be better than water where our cells live. Stop accumulat-
to share with you from infinite love my others, instead of striving every day, to be ing, feeding memories of pain, anger, and
purpose with humanity, my experience as a better version. of himself. Albert Ein- frustration, lower your vibration, it is key to
a coach in health and integral life. If you stein commented that imagination is more
choose to continue reading, you will con- important than knowledge. We constantly
firm that there is no coincidence, you and ask ourselves: Why is this happening to
I had an appointment to have this dialogue me? and no for what? Loading non-existent
regardless of distance, religion, nationality, guilt, or blaming the environment for the
or age. Only connect from the soul, with- unhappiness that lives to give the protagonist
out losing the opportunity for the mind to the victim, we demand that they give us
to do the work for which it was designed, the tranquility, respect, or love that you have
to attend to our being. I know that it will not given yourself! We hold our parents,
arouse curiosity and interest in creating a our partners, material goods, titles, children,
new reality together. the government, etc. responsible. Without
knowing that they are only agreements, that
Do you live or do you exist? we unconsciously propitiate everything that
Confusing the I have and I must happens until today to transcend, does it
because of the passion to create, it costs seem complex to you to read this truth? It is!
frustration and bitterness, it is also inher- But let me tell you that it is so real, like the
ited to our generations, let us stop being molecules that do not compose like human
slaves of the mind to teach it a new way of beings and in them, there are only atoms,
perceiving our living! through being, since neutrons, protons, and electrons that gener-
we have ten senses and we are only aware ate electromagnetic waves, a movement that
of five of them: seeing and not observing, cannot stop, because it carries information,
feeling without vibrating, eating without which is transformed into matter, everything
tasting, hearing without hearing, smell- you see and what you don't see, what you
ing without intuiting, they are satellites vibrate, is just this perfect quantum energy understand universal laws, such as: what you
encoding information that interprets an called life, the invisible sustains the visible. deny submits you, what you hate attracts,
internal map that may have already ex- That is why I emphasize the following: we what you judge will convert you, it is urgent
pired, so it seems that everything is against have the right to make mistakes, to feel anger, to love ourselves and recognize ourselves as
you, TODAY, what better time, to ask me anger, hate, discouragement, boredom, but beings with great capacity for change! We
where do I direct my gaze? Because there I also love, compassion, mercy, and forgive- were not created to get sick on the contrary,
put my power! Keep in mind, the observer ness, it is urgent to nurture self-love! because just accept that we are emotional beings,
changes everything! What music do I listen when we accept with humility that light seeks therefore we have the right and freedom to
to? Awake! you are programming phrases darkness, wisdom arises, gratitude and our experience love-consciousness, get inspired,
that have created your life. Tell me, do you emotional maturity make new decisions, re- stop, here and now! it is the eternal present,
eat with guilt? You think so much that you silience empowers our attitude, and it is then, where EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE TO
have forgotten to vibrate! You have discon- when we inspire, I definitely believe that it TRANSFORM, with faith and action, be-
nected from your intuition, review your is the best and most powerful way to move cause to touch the divine it will be necessary
beliefs, give yourself permission to change forward, leaving authentic traces. to be human. Agreement 139.
them, it is necessary to transform yourself!
LOVE-CONSCIOUSNESS Let's educate the mind! Since neuro- Consultations
Let's delve into two energies that move plasticity helps us to generate new neural 01152 33 33972524
our world, LOVE AND FEAR. We were networks and consequently new synapses,