P. 41
Below are some facts that will make you the hit of any cocktail party.
Take a look, and remember truth is often stranger than fiction.
Men-gagement Rings
It may have occurred a very long time ago, but if
it had taken hold, this trend might have women
on bended knee asking for a man’s hand in mat-
rimony. Back in 1926, a group of jewelers joined
together with advertisers to sell the concept of en-
gagement rings for men. They even came up with special names depending
on which style you chose. There were the Pilot, the Stag, and the Master.
Watch Those Hand Signs
There are some funny stories involving how different cul-
tures view some very basic things that American’s do as
part of our culture. Did you know that the devil horns
hand sign which can often be found as a common gesture
at concerts is a no-no in some European and South Amer-
ican countries? In those cultures, this hand sign means
that a man’s wife has been unfaithful. So, think twice be-
fore raising that hand.
Underground Disney
There have been rumors over the years of what
might lurk underneath the grounds of Disneyland.
There is truth to the rumors. There are tunnels
that were built to help Disney Characters get from
one part of the park to another. As a result, you
won’t find Darth Vader grabbing a slice at Pizza Planet.
Don’t Yell at Your Shedding Dog
The truth is that Humans shed even more than animals
do. Actually, the skin you are in right now will be com-
pletely gone in a month. Humans lose between 30,000 to
40,000 skin cells daily. Luckily for us, it rejuvenates just
as quickly so no one will even notice.
Smile Please!
Did you know that people rarely used to smile in
photos? The origin of the smiling subject came
about due to an ad campaign for Kodak. The Ko-
dak ads encouraged consumers to focus on cap-
turing happy moments with their products. If you
look back at old photos you will notice smiling wasn’t always the norm.
Say Cheese!