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        Lori-Ann Tracy, MD                  Shyamia Stone, ND, MPH               Pedi Mirdamadi, ND
        Lori-Ann Tracy, MD is a licensed medical   Shyamia Stone, ND, MPH is a naturopathic    Pedi Mirdamadi, ND, IFM, RHN, is a licensed
        doctor board-certified in emergency   doctor who has been practicing at   naturopathic doctor and functional
        medicine, which she has practiced for   Guarneri Integrative Health, Inc. at   medicine practitioner specializing in using
        13 years in hospitals in Arizona and   Pacific Pearl La Jolla since October 2019.   nutrition to prevent and treat disease,
        New Mexico. Tracy uses a multi-modal   She graduated from San Diego’s Bastyr   as well as conventional therapies and
        approach, drawing from the most effective,   University at the top of her class. As a   medications as needed. His areas of clinical
        proven treatments from conventional,   practitioner, Dr. Stone focuses on big   expertise include digestive health, men’s
        functional, and natural medicine    picture thinking on both an individual   health, weight management, nutrition,
        disciplines. In addition to her medical   level and a systemic level. She treats each   fitness, and regenerative joint therapies.
        degree, Dr. Tracy completed a fellowship   patient as a whole person, finding the root   After obtaining a degree as a registered
        in integrative medicine at the Andrew   causes of illness, and works to develop   holistic nutritionist from the Canadian
        Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and a   an individualized treatment plan that   School of Natural Nutrition, he practiced as
        certification in functional medicine in 2020.   will truly help to overcome illness and   a nutritionist for three years. Still, he knew
        She also completed 500-hours of Yoga   achieve optimal health. Her areas of focus   he could offer more to his clients with a
        Arts’ yoga teacher training in Bali, as well   include chronic disease, autoimmunity,   medical degree. This desire led him to Bastyr
        as training in meditation, Reiki, and more.   endocrine disorders, complementary   University in California where he studied
        Along with her respect for and recognition   cancer care, gastrointestinal disorders, and   naturopathic medicine and graduated as
        of the important role of western medicine,   overall health and wellness. Her approach   a naturopathic doctor. Dr. Pedi’s rigorous
        she believes strongly in prevention,   includes a wide array of therapies   training in hormones, energy, immune
        nutrition, stress reduction, physical activity,   personalized for each individual based   system, cardiovascular health, digestion,
        connection to community, and many   upon their needs, which may include   detoxification, and more enable him to
        other aspects of holistic medicine. She relies   a combination of nutrition, Ayurvedic   provide comprehensive care. Dr. Pedi is
        on listening to each individual’s story and   modalities, behavioral changes, lifestyle   passionate about using food as medicine
        addressing the whole person to best help   medicine, IV therapy, pharmaceuticals,   and working with his patients to get to the
        restore patients to a state of health and   homeopathy, and physical medicine. Dr.   root cause of their disease to create the best
        balance.  Stone chooses therapies in a collaborative   health of their lives.
                                            way, allowing patients to become
                                            empowered in their own healthcare.

                                            Moira Fitzpatrick, PhD, ND
                                            Moira Fitzpatrick, PhD, ND, is licensed both as a clinical psychologist and a naturopathic
                                            doctor. She has been with Pacific Pearl La Jolla since it opened doors in January of 2014
                                            and is program director of the Naturopathic Residency Program at Pacific Pearl La Jolla.
                                            Dr. Fitzpatrick has practiced multiple forms of transformational psychology for over
                                            30 years. During mid-life, she returned to school to obtain a degree in naturopathic
                                            medicine to integrate a more holistic approach to healing. Dr. Fitzpatrick’s journey has
                                            been to discover the essence of healing both within herself and as a facilitator for others.
                                            Currently, she practices from an integrative systems perspective and incorporates mind,
                                            body, emotions, and spirit to support each person as they break through to new levels of
                                            physical and emotional health.

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