P. 35
been beloved for their breakfasts, both The streets of Los Olivos are as population, rodents, and ground bur-
American and Danish. Sit outside on their charming as any in California. Mosey in rowers in control. Native plants that are
patio and enjoy the morning fresh air, and and out of boutiques, linger in wine tast- drought-tolerant are planted throughout
a good cup of coffee. ing rooms, relax in the town park or laze the patio and outdoor area. As is typical
Speaking of unique Danish food, the in a sidewalk restaurant. You will feel your with many of the wineries in the area, they
Solvang Restaurant is not to be missed. big city hustle-bustle melting away. are perfect for enjoying a glass of wine and
Try their delicious abelskivers. Tradition- listening to music on a warm afternoon.
ally reserved for Christmas and Easter, Brewery and Wineries
Solvang serves these delicacies year- Firestone Walker Brewing Company is Hotels
round. These spherical snacks are similar an anchor in Buellton. They call their In Solvang, you will find an assortment of
to European pancakes, but with a light and taproom Barrelworks. It is their “cathe- hotels. You can walk out your front door
fluffy apple dolloped with raspberry jam dral of barrels dedicated to all things and shop, eat, or exercise.
and dusted with powdered sugar. They can wild, specializing in beers made with The Mirabelle Inn, a charming
be combined with a Danish Pork Sausage locally foraged ingredients”. Barrelworks boutique hotel, built in a classic Northern
called Medisterpolse or just as a snack or is known within the craft beer industry European Renaissance-style, featuring
dessert. for its most influential wild ale programs. half-timbered architecture, focuses on
The Hitching Post 2, Made famous by The taproom is multi-level with a bar and comfort and service. The charm continues
the movie Sideways, located right on the a gastropub. Here you can enjoy many throughout the lobby with an interior
main drag of town is your go-to for a great unique brews as well as Firestone Walker reminiscent of a Kransekage, the tradi-
steak. Whether it is a New York, Ribeye, or favorites. tional festively trimmed, tiered Danish
Filet Mignon, you’re sure to be delighted. This entire area has become known marzipan cake. With twelve guest rooms,
Not feeling like a steak? Try Quail or Mex- for the wines produced here. With over most with gas-lit fireplaces, a guest library,
ican White Shrimp. They’ve been grilling 120 wineries, it is hard to not find a and a wine lounge, you might not have to
with Coast Live Oak for more than 30 vineyard or tasting room on every street leave the property. You are sure to feel at
years. Here they’ve perfected their “Santa corner. There are beautiful wine castles, home here.
Maria BBQ”. Another highlight is also the casual urban wineries, and even a Wine If you would like a total immersion
wine list, filled with their own wines. Ghetto (i.e. neighborhood). There are two experience, try the Alisal Guest Ranch
distinct wine trails; The Solvang Village and Resort, a “luxury California Dude
Los Olivos Wine Walk featuring 20 wine tasting Ranch”. Enjoy 50 miles of riding trails, a
On the eastern edge rooms and wine bars and the Solvang spring-fed lake, two 18-hole champion-
of the villages lies Vineyards Wine Trail meandering through ship golf courses, tennis courts, pool, spa,
cute and quaint Los the bucolic countryside just minutes from luxurious Western-style accommodations,
Olivos. Home to the village center. and fine dining. Really, you might not
Fess Parker Winery The local wine is becoming more leave once you get there. Maybe go to the
and Inn as well as and more well known. Go now, and you village before you check in so at least you
Mattei’s Tavern, can say you have been there before they will see the town before unplugging and
named after Felix became world-famous. It’s hard to pick unwinding.
Mattei who built a few but Buttonwood Winery in Los The beautiful thing about this entire
this second stage stop from Santa Barbara. Olivos is Santa Barbara County’s origi- area is the tremendous variety of things to
The tavern is an inn that has a significant nal Farm-to-Table Winery. Their focus do, places to stay and eat. You can have a
restaurant and bar that is currently under is sustainable farming. By maintaining full vacation in just a weekend or a week.
transition. Mattei’s has always been a natural ecosystems, they attempt to attract There are so many places to explore. Did
meeting point for ranchers, gold miners, wildlife and birds of prey such as owls and I mention Ostrichland with over 100
politicians, and travelers. hawks to help keep the grape-eating bird ostriches and emus?