P. 34


                                                                                 154 out of Santa Barbara. Heading over
                                                                                 San Marcos Pass, make sure to stop and
                                                                                 look at the Pacific Ocean views before
                                                                                 going over the top. Once at the top you
                                                                                 might want to stop at Cold Springs
                                                                                 Tavern on Stagecoach Road. This is a
                                                                                 favorite stop for lunch, dinner or just
                                                                                 to stretch your legs. This charming and
                                                                                 rustic tavern was the first stagecoach stop
                                                                                 between Santa Barbara and Solvang up
                                                                                 until 1901. Spend a few minutes there
                                                                                 and you can feel the history of the tavern,
                                                                                 imagining all of the weary travelers who
                                                                                 have stopped to freshen up and have a
                                                                                 meal while sitting in front of one of the
                                                                                 three glowing fireplaces. Nowadays, you
                                                                                 can nosh on their famous home-baked
                                                                                 molasses bread, wild game-inspired en-
        Road Trip to Solvang                                                     trees, or chili. If you happen to be passing
                                                                                 through on a weekend morning, home-
        California’s Little Denmark                                              made biscuits are a must.
                                                                                    Continuing on to the backside of
                                                                                 Solvang, you pass the sometimes full and
                                                                                 sometimes low Lake Cachuma, a recre-
                       Story and photos by Robin Dohrn Simpson                   ation area for boaters and outdoorsmen.
                                                                                 Rumor has it that the fishing conditions
             he pandemic has been going on for   reminiscent of a Hans Christian Andersen   are great and many people enjoy camping
             almost two years now, planes are   storybook. The village is dotted with bak-  here year-round. The Santa Ynez and San
        Tcanceling flights, trains are delayed,   eries, restaurants, wine tasting rooms, and   Rafael Mountains flank the lake showing
        restaurants are closed and it is hard to find   unique specialty shops of clothing, home-  us why they call it the Golden State. Take
        food. Nevertheless, intrepid Americans   wares, and gourmet foods. Just to add the   your time and enjoy this drive.
        are not going to be swayed from traveling.   California flavor to the town, you will find    Solvang is one village in a cluster of
        We are just redefining how we travel and   the Mission Santa Ynez, one of the original  villages with names like Buellton, Los
        for now, we are going to get in our cars   21 missions near the center of town and   Olivos, Los Alamos, Ballard, Rancho Los
        and drive. That way we can feel safe and in   fully restored. You could even enjoy mass   Olivos, Santa Ynez,
        control. Solvang is a short five or so hours   on Sunday if you are so inclined.
        from San Diego, depending on traffic of                                  Restaurants
        course.                             Getting to Solvang                   One of the fun things about Solvang and
           Solvang, just over 100 years old, was   Just five hours from San Diego, there   the surrounding area is the wide assort-
        founded by a group of Danes in search of   are two ways to arrive from the south.   ment of restaurants and food choices.
        a milder climate than that of the Mid-  If you are pressed for time, take the fast   Here are three favorites.
        west. Translated to “Sunny Fields” it has   and straightforward Highway 101, but   Paula’s Pancake House in Solvang
        established itself as a Danish community   if you want a bit of an adventure and to   village is home to their famous Danish
        with architecture throughout the village   see some beautiful scenery, take Highway   pancakes. Since 1986 this restaurant has

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