P. 29

very man you   room and heard the pro-  her young son that
                                                           meet, and/or fall   verbial locker room talk.   “before you ask some girl
                                                           in love with, is   If you could be a fly on   for her hand now, you
                                                     Eusually always      the wall, and didn’t get   better shop around”. Well,
                                                     practically perfect. Yeah,   washed off, you would   that advice is good for
                                                     right, in your dreams. Be-  most likely be shocked   both women and men. In
                                                     fore giving your heart and   at how some men use   today’s world, when you
                                                     soul to your dreamboat,   derogatory language in   want to make a critical
                                                     seek an impartial opinion.   reference to their girl-  purchase, you usually
                                                     In my experience it has   friends. Some men like to   go online and do some
                                                     been that when a woman   appear macho to other   extensive investigation.
                                                     decides to choose a mate   men and think that tak-  If you ignore the
                                                     or significant other, they   ing a woman for granted   obvious signals, like how
                                                     usually solicit an opinion   and putting them down   he puts you down, or
                                                     from another woman.   is a normal way to act.   places his feelings and
                                                     That may not always be   I have observed that   wants ahead of yours,
                                                     the best course of action.   men who grow up with   or he doesn’t communi-
                                                     You should also consider   sisters have a better un-  cate well, he is making
                                                     asking an impartial man   derstanding of a woman’s   everything all about
                                                     what impressions they   wants and needs. They   himself. Or worse yet, he’s
                                                     have of this new person   also have a tendency to   physically or mentally
                                                     in your life. Ask a brother,   treat women with respect   abusive. These are things
                                                     a male cousin, or a long   and recognize their finer   that will surface in a long
                                                     time male friend for their   points. Having said all   engagement. You should
                                                     opinion. Men usually   this, I should point out   be asking yourself, do you
                                                     have a good instinct   that there are exceptions.   want to spend the rest of
                                                     about whether or not   Some men who grow   your life with this person,
                                                     another man is full of   up with a father who   and do you want them
                                                     it or just trying to take   respects and cherishes   to be a father to your
                                                     advantage of a wom-  his wife IS passing on a   children?
                                                     an before terminating   positive behavior about   I grew up in an era
                                                     their relationship. After   how to treat women to   where women were
                                                     receiving suggestions   his son. When possible,   treated with respect. A
                                                     from both sources, you   observe how this new   gentleman pulled out a
                                                     can balance your feelings   man in your life treats   chair for his woman, he
                                                     and your common sense   his mom, and how she is   opened car doors for her,
                                                     to make an intellectual   treated by the other male   and he would never, ever,
                                                     decision. You should not   family members.  strike her.
                                                     be influenced by your   I am a firm believer   I realize there are
                                                     emotions alone.      in long engagements.   politically correct issues in
                                                         Most women have   You should spend two or   today’s society, but I don’t
                                                            never been in   more years, rather than a   believe a woman should
                                                                a male    couple of months, before   ignore their special and
                                                                   locker   you both make the   uniqueness as a “woman”.
                                                                          decision to cement your   I’m not of the belief that
                                                                          marital relationship. You   men and women are the
                                                                          need time to evaluate   same; but rather, women
                                                                          the person with whom   bring special feminine
                                                                          you may spend the rest   qualities to a relationship
                                                                          of your life. It seems that   that a man just can’t
                                                                           most women will spend   match. I also don’t think
                                                                             more time selecting   that most men are knuck-
                                                                             clothing they will   le dragging oafs, as some
                                                                              wear to work than   have suggested. There are
                                                                              they do when they   many men who will make
                                                                              choose a man to   a wonderful life partner;
                                                                              become their sole
                                                                                                you just have to do your
              A Guy’s Point of                                                 mate.   There is an   homework. Don’t settle
                                                                                                for the first handsome
                                                                                      old sixties
                                                                                                face that comes along.
                                                                                                When all is said and done,
              View on Guys                                                            sung by   you must truly know the
                                                                                                person with whom you
                                                                                                will be giving your heart
                                                                                                and soul. And no, it’s not
                                                                                       son. It’s
                                                                                       about a
                                                                                                “IN HIS KISS.”
              by C. F. Illingworth                                                    telling   always as the song says
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