P. 24
Women of Distinction
organization, I was hooked, and out her course load and her pay and grueling schedules, leagues, trying to make it to the
I never see myself leaving. I feel choice of colleges for under- driving from state to state in major leagues. So, much of our
very loyal to the organization graduate and post-graduate buses. They don’t see the long time is spent understanding
because my experiences have studies. hard workouts every day, and where they are in their process
been so enjoyable, and I really I asked Samantha what she often more than one time a day. and where their identities lie. Is
do appreciate the players with loved most about her job. “The So, you have to admire those it in being a father, in being a
whom I get to work.” thing I love most about my who get to live the dream. husband, a baseball player, or
I asked Samantha to share job is getting to connect with Samantha adds, “With most somewhere in between? Once
her advice for any of our read- these players that are working jobs, you do well, and you earn I learn the answer it is helping
ers who would like to pursue harder than most people could a promotion every few years. our guys manage those emo-
a similar career in professional ever imagine. Spending years For these players, there is no tions of stress and the pressure
athletics. “I had several mentors working towards this goal, this time frame.” Often a minor that comes with the ups and
that just encouraged me along dream, of becoming a major leaguer will get an opportunity downs of life in the minor
my path. And it probably start- league baseball player. I get to go up to the big leagues if leagues.”
ed with my parents saying, this the opportunity to help them a regular player gets injured, Since Samantha travels with
is achievable. This is something the team, she is also constant-
that you can do. We have no ly on the go from city to city,
concerns and we know that being there on the field and in
you will be great in whatever the dugout with the players.
you choose to do. Then I had a “I am very close to my parents,
softball coach growing up who especially since I grew up as an
worked with me on the mental only child, so I try to see them
side of the game. We leveraged as often as I can. They will often
that to be beneficial for my soft- travel to our games and root for
ball career. It's ultimately what our teams. Much of my life has
got me to college. Additionally, been looking into the stands to
my grandpa played golf at see my family there supporting
the same country club as Bob me. I am grateful for that. Being
Tewksbury. At the time, Bob younger, in my late 20s, makes
was the sports psychologist for this ‘on the go’ life a bit easier.
the Boston Red Sox, so I was I love what I am doing, so that
able to meet with him back is also a big part of my being
when I was just starting my able to fully pursue my dream.
undergraduate program and I People ask me what my goal
kept in touch with him along is, where do I want to go from
my journey. He introduced me here, but to be perfectly hon-
to multiple people in the field. est, I found my dream job right
So, I could ask questions, figure out of college and I am where I
out the right path to take, and always wanted to be.”
how to get there. Bob's men- I asked Samantha if she
torship, and all the advice I re- had any words to share with
ceived along the way, are prob- our readers. “One thing that I
ably what set me up nicely to learned along the way is my de-
excel once I got the internship sire to seek out happiness and
with the Mets. So, I do strongly along the way and watching but that is often just a tem- to always be genuine to who I
suggest finding a mentor and them making strides towards porary stay in the big leagues am. I make a point of stopping
networking with those who can achieving their dream.” and once the major league to smell the roses. What is
point you in the right direction. Having been around base- player recovers, his temporary important to me is to continue
Additionally, just to learn from ball most of my life I under- replacement ends up back in learning and growing as a per-
their experiences to be able to stand the rough road there is the minors. son and as a professional. And
determine if professional sports to earn a major league spot on Samantha shares, “Besides so, I have found that instead
or the area of interest is actually a team’s roster. Not too many trying to achieve this dream of specifically just looking for
the right career for you.” people realize how hard it is to and work their way up through performance enhancement
Samantha also had a defi- become a major league ball- the minor leagues, they are also and player development, I find
nite direction as a young girl player, they only see those who living life. So many of them are myself inspiring our players and
and instead of taking a bunch have made it. They don’t see growing up. Many of them are others just to approach life this
of different courses in college. the thousands that don’t. They entering their twenties or thir- way and to live happily and au-
She knew what she wanted to don’t realize that some pros- ties, meeting girlfriends, getting thentically while always trying
be since she was a young girl. pects will spend years in the married, having kids, all along to become the best versions of
So, it was easier for her to plan minor league system, with low the way throughout the minor themselves.”