P. 23
Women of Distinction
that yes, you may be upset
about today’s game, and you
need to reflect on it, learn from
it, but rather get over it maybe
in an hour and not two days.
This helps get their focus back
for the next game. Once we
start to build on these experi-
ences, we work on becoming
present. We work on living day
to day and working on what
we need to do today to help us
achieve our goals tomorrow,
with them ultimately that is
earning a spot on the major
league roster and staying there.”
One of the toughest parts
of being a professional athlete
is that inevitably during their
long careers they may experi-
ence injuries that take them out
of the game for a while. This is
an issue Samantha deals with
often as a Mental Performance
Coach. “Most definitely, injury is
something that impacts a play-
er both physically and mentally.
In many ways, it changes how
we play the game even when
we come out on the other end
of the injury. We may find that
we are not the same player so
we might have to approach the
game differently as the result of
the injury.”
I asked Samantha if being
a woman working for a major
league baseball team was a
challenge. “No, not at all. They
think of me as part of the team.”
It seems that women have
finally found their way into
major league sports. The Mets
organization is one that seems
open to ending any gender dis-
crimination. There are physical
therapists, dieticians, athletic
trainers, and mental perfor-
mance coaches who are female.
Even outside of the MLB we are
seeing more women referees in
the NBA and the NFL. you get injured or are not per- them through the sport. So our biggest rival was the Gators.
“I think what helped a lot forming well. I know the players then to see me out there on the I never thought I would see
was that I was an athlete com- and coaches recognize that and field and doing some of the ac- myself wearing the Gator’s
ing into the job. I played four besides I often go out on the tivities with them, I think helps colors of Blue and Orange.
years of Softball at the colle- field and I'll throw with them. I'll in that area as well.” When I got the opportunity, I
giate level, so I understood the catch during Batting Practice. I asked Samantha, ‘Why was just so excited to get myself
mindset of a high-performance I enjoy getting out on the field the Mets?’ “It’s funny because into this world of baseball. Once
athlete and how it affects you if engaging and connecting with having attended Florida State I got involved with the Mets