P. 25
Women of Distinction
... but can you walk the walk?
By Carol Heath
ho was that Ref. You mean the
one 22-year-old rookie Dallas
WMaverick Luka Doncic was flirting
with? It seems that the young rookie com-
plained to the referee, Ashley Moyer that he
was fouled on his way to the basket. A short
discussion ensued where you can see Moyer
say twice, “Where was the foul?” Luka, being
young and somewhat naive retorts with a
winning smile, “It’s a foul – I’m foul-ling in
love.” And if you played close attention, you
could even see Clippers’ head coach on the
opposing team, Ty Lue, tapping Moyer on
the shoulder. Being older and not so naïve
Lue only taps and says nothing, but that look
says a lot.
Now some people thought this incident
was remarkable as it highlighted a wom-
an referee participating in a league game.
Many thought she was the first woman to
officiate an official NBA basketball game.
The first woman to officiate an NBA game
was Violet Palmer, in the 1997-98 NBA sea-
son. Also joining Violet later that same sea-
son was Dee Kantner. I would like to say they
blazed a path for women officials in the NBA,
but that would be a lie. Both these ladies
were referees in the WNBA and NCAA and
officiated both in regular league games and
championship games. For those who may
be acronym challenged – NBA National Bas-
ketball Association; WNBA Women’s Nation-
al Basketball Associated; NCAA National Col-
legiate Athletic Association. Now you know
why you may often see these abbreviated.
This past season, 2020-2021, there were
a total of 5, yep count them again a whop-
ping 5 women referees officiating at least
one NBA game. Considering there are 84
men officials and 5 females, I don’t know I’m
no expert, but that seems to be a bit lopsid-
ed if you ask me.
I worked for the Golden State Warriors
for over 20 years, as a stat crew member.
You couldn’t really see me unless you were If you watched closely on tv, each time a was my job to keep them straight. Over the
looking hard, but I sat about 2 places down player would substitute for another player years I developed a friendship with many
(on the bench) from the game clock. I was re- they would approach the game table. They of them, ergo they actually just came over
sponsible for keeping stats on the players on would come and let me know who they to chat with me then once it was time they
the floor. The clock, at that time, consisted of were replacing so I could keep the current would go in to sub for another player. This
the score, the time, the shot clock, and my roster up to date. That was supposed to be was of course some 20 plus years ago, when
section, which displayed the current play- how it worked, but most of them just waited the players cared more about the game than
ers on the floor, their fouls, and their points. by the bench or just went in whenever and it their paychecks.