P. 22

Women of Distinction

            amantha Gilmore knew                                                          development I get to witness is
            as a young girl what her                                                      not only on the field but in their
       Scareer goal would be.                                                             lives outside of baseball. Some
        An exceptional athlete, who                                                       are getting married and starting
        played four years of softball on                                                  families.”
        her college team, Samantha                                                           “You know, we saw a lot
        had aspirations of being part                                                     of pros and cons to the 2020
        of a professional team, not in                                                    season and all that the players
        softball, and not as a player. Sa-                                                experienced. In many ways, we
        mantha wanted to be a Sports                                                      saw them grow and develop
        Psychologist for a professional                                                   and learn about themselves in
        baseball team.                                                                    new ways, and ways that we
           To some, this may have                                                         would've never experienced
        seemed like an impossible goal,                                                   had we not had to deal with a
        but not for Samantha. After                                                       pandemic. The Players faced
        graduating from St. Edward’s                                                      new challenges and adversities
        University in Austin, Texas, she                                                  that they had never experi-
        went on to obtain her Master's                                                    enced in their lives. And they
        in Sports Psychology at Florida                                                   had to figure out ways to over-
        State University.                                                                 come them, and many of them
           During her last semester,                                                      did. Not playing games affected
        Samantha set out to obtain an         Samantha                                    them. So, getting back out on
        internship, and through a few                                                     the field in 2021, there has been
        school connections she got the                                                    some relearning, some getting
        opportunity to interview for the         Gilmore                                  back into the swing of things,
        position of her dreams. About                                                     In some ways, it has been an
        a month before graduation the                                                     almost enjoyable challenge.
        New York Mets made an offer,               By Judith A. Habert                    We learned, we grew, we faced
        she jumped on a plane and                                                         adversity, and grew some more,
        left her hometown of Red Oak          Photos courtesy of Samantha Gilmore         and we're happy to see the light
        Texas to start her dream job in                                                   at the end of the tunnel.”
        the Big Apple.             that their thought process plays   season, Samantha is the Mental   Certainly, players struggle
           Samantha’s first assignment   in being a better overall athlete   Performance Coordinator   more mentally if they are in
        was working with the Mets   and baseball player.”     working with the Mets Triple-A   a slump or they can’t under-
        Rookie Ball team, the Kingsport   Samantha (or Sam as the   affiliate, The Syracuse Mets, and   stand why they may not be in
        Mets, in Tennessee. After her   players call her) is truly a part of   also manages the inner-work-  the starting lineup, so I asked
        internship came to an end, the   the team. She travels with them   ings of the Minor League Men-  Samantha what she found
        New York Mets offered her a   to each game and is out there   tal Performance Department. In   the biggest challenge was for
        permanent full-time position   on the field with them during   a normal season without covid   her players. “I think each year
        with them as a “Mental Per-  each workout, on game days   restrictions, as the coordinator,   my answer would probably
        formance Coach” It was at this   she can be found in the dugout   Samantha would spend much   be different. And it's based on
        point that they moved her up   with the players. If a Mets player   of her time traveling across the   the level of the player, or the
        to the high A team in Port St.   has a specific problem, Saman-  Mets five affiliates supporting   age range that I'm working
        Lucie, Florida.            tha will be there to help him   her mental performance staff   with. I think what I found most
           I asked Samantha what   through it. More than just an   members and connecting with   important is that we have to
        her job entailed. “Within our   ear to listen, Samantha actively   all the organization’s players.  understand that this game
        organization, we're almost   assists players in calming any   “Watching the progression   of baseball is a part of our
        considered another part of the   performance anxiety and devel-  of these players is so exciting to   life. It's not our whole life and
        coaching staff. Our goal in this   oping focus on the field.   me. I started with many of these   understanding that perspec-
        organization, specifically, is   The 2020 season was a   guys being drafted into the   tive makes things a bit easier. I
        player development through   challenge for the team, with   organization and I'm watching   often try to make them under-
        performance enhancement    the season shortened due to   them as they grow and develop   stand that the weight of what
        using mental skills. We educate   covid and no fans in the stands.   through the system. For the   happens in each game should
        players to understand how   During this period, Samantha   most part, I have been growing   not be their entire concentra-
        mental performance may affect   found herself working with   and developing with them. This   tion. Often if a player doesn’t
        their game. By doing so, it   players throughout the orga-  is a year when I'm seeing my   perform well in a game, they
        allows the players to be aware   nization and spent most of her   players advance to the much   may be used to mourning their
        of their thought processes, spe-  time with the more seasoned   higher levels, as well as playing   performance for a day or two.
        cifically teaching them the role   players. Now in her fourth   in the major leagues. The   What we try to do is explain

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