P. 28

HOW WOMEN                                         can be somewhat predictable.   her opinions, especially when

                                                                                          she makes comments about
                                                              Many women seem to have an
                                                                                          my writing. Her suggestions
                                                              arsenal of gestures and looks
        TOUCH MY LIFE                                         that can change the tenure of   can make my story more
                                                                                          interesting. I must admit, I
                                                              a situation. This is not to say
                                                              that all women are unpredict-
                                                              able; but rather, they bring   don’t always listen. Yeah, you
                                                                                          read that correctly, I should,
                        By C.F. Illingworth                   certain finesse to a relation-  but don’t hear what she says.
                                                              ship. I enjoy a good conver-  Shame on me! One nice thing
                                                              sation with an intelligent   is she doesn’t rub it in when I
           have been blessed with the   them possesses unique writing  woman because they most   finally tell her she was right.
           presence of many wom-   talents, and they themselves   often have a different take on   Maybe that is why I’m willing
       I en in my life. My wife is   are truly amazing. I relish   the subject at hand. The key   to come clean and fess up to
        my love long partner. She is   their comments and opinions   here is that you must listen   my errors.
        indeed the love of my life, as   in regard to my work.   closely to a woman’s speech,   Some of the character
        well as friend, compadre, and   I’m one of those people   ascertaining the meaning of   traits I enjoy most about the
        soul mate. I am the father to   who enjoy standing back and   her words and the intonations   women in my life is their
        three young women who have   observing a person’s speech,   in her voice. Women can pres-  sense of humor, their willing-
        been an enjoyment through   mannerisms, and how they   ent a wide range of expres-  ness to tell me that I’m full
        my parent years. Plus I have   present themselves. As a writ-  sions just by a look or the way   of it, or that they enjoy being
        six granddaughters and one   er, I’m always looking for new   they hold their head, as well as  with me. I am indeed quite
        great-granddaughter. I also   character traits in both males   their facial demeanor.  happy with all the women in
        enjoy my two grandsons. I   and females. Usually, men     I have noticed that my   my life, and I hope it never
        am the only male in a zoom   are not all that complicated.   daughters will have a unique   changes. I cherish being a hus-
        interactive writing group as   I, therefore, have to invent   way of viewing a situation.   band, a dad, a grandpa, and a
        well. The six women in the   a unique personality for my   Even my six and nine-year-old  great-grandpa.
        group, including our Instruc-  male characters. Women, on   granddaughters will surprise   So, if you see me some-
        tor, have become an important  the other hand, are more com-  me with a new way of looking   where, don’t hesitate to come
        part of my life. Because they   plex and consequently make   at a set of circumstances and   up and say hi. I would like
        are all writers, I feel I know   for more interesting subjects   suggest an exceptional way to   to hear your story and all
        them in a spiritual sense. Most  in a story. They don’t usually   approach it.    about how you enjoy being
        every week I hear them read   have to kickbox their way into   My wife, on the other   a “WOMAN’. Maybe you’ll
        their work and I experience   or out of a dicey situation.   hand, is someone whom I   find yourself in one of my
        their writing soul. Each of   Most male characteristics   rely on a great deal. I cherish   stories.

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