P. 32


                                                I am me I am 5’5
                                                I have dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes An average size nose not small nor large
                                                  Good lips not a sharp jawline
                                                My body is ok athletic and skinny some would say.
                                                Although this is fine with me this is what society wants me to be
                                                Let’s see what the changers up top have to say if  they were to exist... “Ok let’s
        I Am Me                                   start”
                                                The name a little too wild a little too exotic let's change it to Emma or Gabby
                                                  something basic but not Brittney or Jessica then you'll definitely be sassy
                                                  and rude plus a bad attitude
                                                Now for height be tall like a supermodel but stay really short so the guys will be
      By Kiera Donnelly
                                                  taller then you but not too short then boys will have to bend down to hug you
                                                Dirty blonde hair is alright. She has nice beach waves in her hair but let's change
                                                  that up and go platinum blonde not too yellow and let's make her hair now
                                                  fully straight so her curls will be 100% the same but from a flat iron.
                                                Ooh hazel that is a nice eye color not fully brown...but, nah let's take out the
                                                  brown and instead of  green let's take the blue from the outer edges of  her
                                                  eye and make that her new eye color.
                                                Okay now we have Emma, platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and the perfect height
                                                Okay okay let's move on her nose it looks good but the new trend now is a
                                                  button nose so a little rhinoplasty and boom perfect.
                                                Okay now we have to do lip filler and face lift and a boob job and tummy tuck
                                                  and a butt implant cause that's what Kim K is doing and all the others it's
                                                  the new trend and we must follow them so let's change the whole body so
                                                  it's thighs are not touching but not too far apart or you'll be perceived as too
                                                  skinny and more, feet can't be above a women size 8 maybe 8 ½ big butt, but
                                                  still natural hourglass figure and incredibly skinny, but you still need to have
                                                  big assets up top. But remember you always have to look natural.
                                                Face HAS to be symmetrical or you'll never find a guy!
                                                Now for personality oh let's do it. Ok she's shy but confident that's good...let's
                                                  keep that except take away the shy and if  she's too confident let's just have
                                                  society yell at her ok ok good! Don’t be too girly don’t like pink, but don’t
                                                  like black, or play with Superman toys cause those are for boys.
                                                Now hey it's 2021! No more housewives but… you need to cook for your
                                                  husband and clean and definitely do the laundry. If  you don't have a baby or
                                                  have one before wedlock, we will just have everyone shame you. Speaking of
                                                  husbands, you need one before 30 but not too soon cause you're too young to
                                                  know and making a mistake.
                                                Now do not be a tease and show some skin when you dress but do not be a slut
                                                  wear a maxi dress!
                                                Finally be smart, be a doctor or CEO, but never wear glasses or correct
                                                  someone when they're wrong stay quiet but speak your mind! Speaking of
                                                  CEO, that should be your job but it’s too risky so don’t do it, go to a good
                                                  college like MIT or Stanford, but don’t get into too much debt. Ok you got
                                                  the hang of  it let's send her off.

                                                You see I am me, I am beautiful and I have a wonderful personality.
                                                Do not let society or the changers up top, turn you into a wannabe barbie unless
                                                  you want to be, but then they’ll laugh at you for that too.
                                                In the end as hard as it is to say, you will never be perfect in their eyes anyway
                                                  So be yourself  and don't change for any man, women, or all of  the above
                                                You are you Perfectly And I am me Beautifully
                                                I am me
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