P. 33
5 THINGS I’ve Learned
(and am still learning)
eing an entrepreneur is a beautiful
Bexperience, but it can be challenging. as an AUTHORPRENEUR
Speak to anyone who considers themself
an entrepreneur, and they will tell you their
own story and version of the challenges By Lily Smith
in entrepreneurship. In many ways, we're
entrepreneurs of our own lives and stories.
I’m an Authorpreneur which is exact- 3. Find the Love in Yours
ly what it sounds like! This intersection I’m an Authorpreneur. I have a
of paths, careers, and passions makes the unique journey that’s different from
journey all the more meaningful to me. yours. And you have a unique journey
The importance of these struggles that’s different from mine. But it’s easy
is not that they have happened, but that in our busy, activity-focused world
other people have had these struggles too, to lose sight of ourselves. It’s easy to
or have had their unique set of challenges forget that YOUR journey is special
relating to their journey. And it’s with that and unique. Whether or not you find
empathy of other people’s stories that we yourself going, going, going, and hav-
can learn from our own experiences and ing an endless stream of work, find
support one another as we embark on our the love in every (small) moment you
own journey of entrepreneurship, author- can. It’s part of your WHY.
preneurship, etc.
Below are 5 of the most essential 4. Start Again
things that I’ve learned as an Authorpre- We all started down our respective
neur and that I continue to learn every pathways for a reason. There is some
single day. Part of this beauty is that the form as to why we decided to do what
journey never ends. we do - to live a life of entrepreneur-
ship. But again, in this fast-paced
1. Let Comparison Go environment, we’re all living in, it’s
In life, sometimes we compare easy to lose our WHY. So… go back
ourselves to other people. There is a to the beginning! Start again… Hav-
difference between comparing other ing trouble remembering why you’re
people’s journeys and accomplish- doing this in the first place? Pause! you - honor and listen to it because
ments vs. finding inspiration in their And go back to where you started. it’s always telling you something. And
stories. When we compare ourselves Your questions will be answered, and last, but not least, SLOW DOWN &
to others, we rob ourselves of the you’ll have taken a moment to pause STOP. You don’t have to work harder,
present moment and fail to see that and reflect. but you can work smarter. And that
each and every entrepreneurial jour- starts with slowing down and taking
ney is unique. 5. Stop. Pause. Breathe. care in every piece of work you create
Take a break. Whatever you want to or every conversation in which you
2. Step into Difference call it, we all need breaks. There seems engage. Slowness is your power and
We are not all the same. Each one of to be a constant need to grind and resistance. Many people think that we
us is very different and unique, with never stop. But that need is socie- have to work more, harder, and faster
various intersections of identities. tal pressure. It’s something you can to meet quotas, to succeed, etc. But
None of our entrepreneurial journeys acknowledge, but it doesn’t mean you remember to stop and ask, what does
will look, feel, or act the same. Entre- have to listen to it. PAUSE. Think success mean to you? And how can
preneurship is not one size fits all and about what you’re doing. Think about you slow down for success?
it is essential that we recognize this. why you’re sending that email or
We must appreciate, support, honor, making that post. BREATHE. Con-
and celebrate all journeys, no matter nect yourself back to your body. Your
how different they are from our own. body is a beautiful vessel that carries