P. 48

Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert




        8.  ANDAR LEATHER GOODS             9.  MEGHAN BO DESIGNS                10. POWER-UP DUMBBELLS
        Andar is a company we recently came   As a Woman Owned Business, MeghanBoD-  After a year of gym closures, many of us
        across that we had to share with our is a must visit. From designing   have become Home Workout experts.
        readers. Their products aren’t your   pieces for family and friends to opening a   Having the ability to better your health in
        typical leather goods. Made in America,   national website, Meghan has brought her   the privacy of your own home has become
        these goods are crafted to last. With a   talents to a larger stage. Based in Sonoma,   a new obsession for me. I honestly don’t
        goal to add a craftsman’s touch to what   California, this mom-friendly accessories   know if I can go back to the boisterous
        you carry, Andar has set itself apart from   business aims to give women simple yet   world of crowded gyms, so when I came
        other manufacturers. Its unique designs   stunning pieces that they can easily incor-  across Power-Up Dumbbells by Life Pro, I
        make them instantly recognizable to   porate into their day to day lives.   screeched with excitement! These adjust-
        shoppers who search for high quality   Meghan’s signature beaded bracelets   able dumbbells are sleek and compact,
        above all else.                     are the perfect addition to any outfit.   and the wood handles make them easy to
           Now, Andar has made all our dreams   With brushed gold plated and gold-filled   hold during your workout. The ability to
        come true with their new Addison Back-  accents, the “Grey Jade” bracelet is simply   switch from 2.5 to 15 pounds with the slide
        pack. The Addison is the first product   stunning. Another standout piece is the   of a button makes increasing intensity a
        from Andar that is specifically designed   “Initial Necklace” which features a bold   breeze. I love the fact that I don’t have to
        with women in mind. The ingenious   letter atop a vibrant gold-plated base. The   filter through a bunch of single dumbbells
        design features numerous pockets, 100%   best part about all of Meghan Bo Designs   trying to find a pair or looking for just the
        Premium Full Grain Oil Waxed Leather,   are their ability to be layered. We had the   right weight, all I have to do is reach for my
        high quality YKK zippers, brass hard-  pleasure of utilizing the Meghan Bo “Lay-  Power-Ups and I’ve got everything I need
        ware, and a size large enough to fit a 14”   ering Clasp” which allowed us to connect   at my fingertips.
        laptop. The color options are jet black   multiple necklaces to sport a trendy Bo-  Since you are getting the equivalent of
        or camel tan, both of which go with any   hemian look. You can also easily stack the   12 dumbbells, this smart technology will
        outfit.                             beaded bracelets for effortless glamour.   also help you take advantage of all your
           Andar’s collection of leather goods   If you find yourself as obsessed with   much needed space in your home. Life Pro
        includes Air-pod, iPad, laptop, and phone   Meghan’s creation as we are, you can com-  has such confidence in their products that
        cases, wallets, apple watch bands, tas-  mit to the “Bling of the Month Subscription   they include a lifetime warranty with each
        sels, key tethers, and more. Their unique   Box”. This subscription offers you an exclu-  set of Power-Up dumbbells. Since moder-
        designs and beautiful quality leather   sive piece of jewelry that is only available   ate weight training has shown to increase
        make for unforgettable gifts. One of our   to members of the club. With free shipping,   your strength by 30-50%, this set is the
        favorite products is the small but mighty   the Bling of the Month is the perfect gift   ideal addition to your home gym. Since
        “cord burrito”. This leather wrap helps   choice for your mom or bestie. You can   there is such a variety in weight, everyone
        keep you organized by wrapping your   skip a month if you feel you have a solid   in our family can enjoy utilizing these!
        cords into a neat and tight burrito! At   amount of accessories, or cancel anytime   Life Pro also has a variety of fitness
        only $6, it’s a great add-on when revital-  when you’ve completed your collection.   products that are amongst the best in the
        izing your laptop bag.                 To see Meghan’s entire collection and   industry. Whether you are looking for a
           To see the entire collection for your-  support a Woman Owned Business that   massage gun to help ease your muscles
        self, visit !    we can’t get enough of, visit https://www.  after a long workout, or a quality tread-
                                                  mill that folds away when not in use, Life
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