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Fabulous Finds                                                                              by Jaime V. Habert



        25. LUME CUBE                       block is a microphone that amplifies sound   You can order a 9 bottle pack of any of
        These days, everyone has to be an influencer.   and creates ideal audio for any video content.  their offerings straight to your door by visit-
        Whether you are looking to promote your   To learn more about the incredible tech-  ing today.
        small business, or simply trying to break   nology offered by Lume Cube visit, https://
        into the YouTube world,  you’ll find out very           27. STRAWBERRY PENCIL MAGIC
        quickly what a difference having the right                               In a sea of mass produced children’s books,
        lighting makes in your videos and pictures.   26. PATH WATER             we have found a truly unique small business
        The “Lume Cube” is the answer to your   Three friends, Shadi Bakour, Amer Orabi   that’s changing the way kids learn. “Straw-
        lighting dilemmas. Where most external   and Ali Orabi read a shocking stat: by the   berry Pencil Magic” is a publishing house that
        lighting is either highly bulky or extremely   year 2050 there will be more plastic in our   offers stories to excite the mind and remind
        fragile, “Lume Cube” has the perfect amount   oceans than fish. They began talking about   children that anything is possible through
        of durability while remaining lightweight.   the legacy we will leave behind and felt   positivity and goodwill. With a goal of nour-
        The apple of our eye is the “Panel PRO & 5   compelled to act. With the average person   ishing a child’s imagination and teaching
        Foot Light Stand Kit”. When you need the full   drinking 168 plastic bottles of water per year,   it to explore, “Strawberry Pencil Magic” has
        spectrum of possibility, the Panel PRO is your   they knew that the problem required both a   released incredible titles including, “I Did,
        go-to creative ally. Smart, Slim, and portable   change in how bottles are manufactured and   with an Ostrich”, “Little Catty Poo” and, “Archer
        with 360 RGB colors, 5-100% brightness ad-  a change in how people consume. And thus   Otters”.
        justability, and easy-to-use Bluetooth control,   a vision was born to help everyone break the   “I Did, with an Ostrich” is the tale of a
        it's as thin as your smartphone and powerful   addiction to single-use plastic bottled water,   little girls development of self esteem and
        enough to light up whatever you dream up   and that vision is “Path Water”.   confidence. It is a tale which encourages and
        in brilliant, reliable color. Also included is the   “Path Water” is packaged in Aluminum   inspires us all to recognize the giant flightless
        Light Stand T60; which enables light travel   that you can re-use for any beverage. The bot-  bird that lives in all of us. “Little Catty Poo”
        and total customization, and packs down to   tle is sleek and beautiful, rivaling any re-usable   is a story about a curious caterpillar named
        14'' and extends to 5ft tall. This light stand   travel cups offered on the market. Not only   Poofurance who anxiously desires to expe-
        includes a 180 degree Tilt Head with 1/4'' 20   is the packaging eye-catching, but the water   rience life from a higher ground. Through
        attachment for the ultimate range. This kit   inside is beyond impressive. Path Water’s Still   his experiences, he discovers powers he
        makes even the simplest image crisp and   Water is pure and reverse osmosis filtered with   never knew he had. “Archer Otters” is a story
        clear with lighting that Hollywood Celebrities   a Balanced 7.5 PH and added electrolytes. For   about a trio of sea otters who battle against
        would envy.                         those Sparkling Water lovers like us, there is a   an evil fisherman in attempt to rescue their
           If you are looking for more mobile items   Sparkling offering that we consider the “cham-  kidnapped friends.
        for live streaming or on-the-go content   pagne” of waters! If you are a member of the   Each of these stories is richer than the
        creation, we invite you to look into Lume   fitness community, Path also offers Alkaline   next, with brilliant concepts digestible for
        Cube’s Mobile Creator Lighting & Audio Kit.   water to help you through your workouts.   children and with the benefit of teaching
        This is the Ultimate Creator Kit for Vlogging   A big perk of Path’s double walled   important life lessons along the way.
        & Smartphone Content. If you want to take   Aluminum bottles are their ease of cleaning.   If you want to provide your little one with
        your vlogging to the next level, this is a MUST   Simply add soap and water, shake, and air   text that will encourage critical thought and
        BUY. Not only does the lighting make for the   dry. Now, you can add more water, or any   keep them entertained time and time again,
        perfect addition to your cellular footage, but   beverage you choose, and take it with you;   visit to view the
        it is a simple and easy addition to attach to   with the knowledge that you are helping our   entire collection of books by Author, Michael
        any phone. Along with the powerful light   world eliminate single use plastics!  Girgenti.
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